Spa Professionals Guild

The business of beauty: 2020 and beyond



Do you want to merely survive the beauty revolution or do you want your business to thrive and be super profitable 2020 and beyond?

Then, its time that you took a step back and did a quick check on how your model measures up to what the consumer is looking for.

Lets first start with looking at what the consumer wants before what you as a business owner wants.

High-quality products at affordable prices

The consumer of today wants value for money but not compromising quality and branding. They want to know that you are using the best brands on them but not willing to pay too much.

Commitment to saving the planet

The consumer wants to know and see your initiatives towards going greener. So show them and tell them. Have a recycle your tube or jar container with a sign offering a R10 refund on their new product if they bring back their empty.

Use suppliers that have these initiatives. For example, Six Skincare delivers its stock with the following letter inside the box and uses only scrap shredded paper to fill their boxes.

Proof of results

If you do not have a portfolio of case studies with before and after pictures showing results of what your treatments offer then you can forget the repeat business.

Consumers want to physically see the results you can offer. Partner with a brand that is committed to continuous updating of their case studies and can support you with this.

Choices and personalization

The consumer wants to be able to choose and is not keen on a ‘one size fits all’ approach. This means changing your treatment menus and ensure that you have a tailor-made option specific to each person.

The consumer wants to feel important and heard more than ever before. So listen and give them the options. Again, partner with a brand that offers you a wide variety of choice to keep the consumer happy that they have enough variety to choose from.

Six Skincare offers the choice of six different specialized setting peel-off masks that allow you to personalize the treatments offered.

Results with memorable aromas

This is a huge buying consideration. The consumer wants to see results on their skin but they want products that smell amazing and make them feel good.

Aroma profiling for the psychology of skincare is becoming a must already so watch this trend as it is powerful!

Six Skincare is proud to say it has undergone a full range aroma profiling ensuring that the aromas used to match the profile of the person meant to be using that product. This is such a powerful concept so keep an eye on this.

These are the five most important factors to look at. The Spa Consultants is hosting a 2020 and Beyond Seminar on the 23rd March 2020 so be sure to book your spot today to learn more about where this industry is going and how you can keep up with the changes and ensure your beauty business thrives.

Six Skincare is also offering a free sunblock to all business owners to book a brand profitability meeting with one of our highly skilled business distributors.

Email [email protected] to get in touch with one of our distributors in your area to set up a meeting.

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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