Spa Professionals Guild

9 July 2020: Jump start your revenue


Video Transcript:
okay everybody
so before i share my screen i just
want to say welcome to
today’s coaching session and today is
really going to be
focused on giving hopefully not
hopefully i know so
everybody the very necessary
energy injection that’s what i want to
refer to it as
okay energy injection because that’s
what i think everybody needs a bit of a
morale boost
a bit of we’re in this together and
we are going to get through there okay
so yesterday i heard something
that was quite interesting
for for me to hear on a webinar that i
and the webinar said or the the genes
spoke at the webinar he said that
only when seas are rough
is it that champion traits are formed
because all your abilities
from a mental ability to a physical
to every single ability that you own is
challenged when the seas are rough
so think about that when it’s calm seas
there’s no challenge there’s just
sailing and there’s enjoying
but without challenge also it doesn’t
come growth
so please remember that especially when
you’re feeling like oh my goodness me
this is just too much and i’ve had quite
a lot of that
in the last couple of days from quite a
lot of you
and i want you to remember some of you
i’ve seen that message too privately
that champion traits
are developed when the seas are rough
so change your perspective in what we
are going through right now
okay i’m not saying liv don’t live in
the moment and don’t pretend because
this is real what we’re experiencing
right now
is super real um shawnee yesterday or
the day before referred to it as she
feels like
we are living in a dream and asks you to
actually know it feels more like a
never mind a dream but what we were
making reference to is how surreal
the situation actually feels it doesn’t
feel real i sometimes wake up in the
morning i think is this
really what’s going on and so i get
ready and
and i challenge the day ahead but it’s
almost like and i’m sure some of you can
agree with this i go to bed at night
feeling like one day things will all of
a sudden change tomorrow and corona will
be gone
and i’m sure some of you feel like that
too and then we wake up in the morning
only to hear especially at the moment in
south africa that our infection rate is
getting completely out of control
okay but i i want you in the morning
when you need to
is remember what i’ve said
and make reference to those to that
and that rough sea that we are busy
sailing at the moment
and focus on what the positives of that
rough sea is doing for you
as an individual okay because it is
challenging you
and it is growing you whether you like
to think that or not
all right so um shawnee says that you
only found out how strong the tea is
when you drop it
in boiling water not in cold water
okay so again another amazing analogy
and i want you all
to focus on that when i take you through
today’s session
okay i have had enough rough seas didn’t
need another one and shirley says i say
every day i’m an
agent of positive change i love that
okay so pharus with regards to your
rough seas
i just want to say to you that and
you’ve heard this a million times before
it doesn’t rain it pours okay
and it only pours on those who can
the poor so clearly you can handle it
that’s why you are in such rough seas
and the good parts of the rough seas is
that the storm
will end or it will settle and then
it’ll get wild again
but it will calm down at some point in
time so just keep your eye on that final
destination and goal okay so i’m gonna
share my screen
uh dearie me okay one second it doesn’t
seem to want to be
pulled up
there we go
super okay can everybody see my screen
just give me a thumbs up if you can
then i know it’s all good yes everyone
great super duper all right so if we can
please all start
by um going to your social media
okay whether you’re doing it now or you
have already done it which hopefully
you have already done it um but
let’s tell the world what you’re doing
and i keep on saying that to you
because it is important that your
see and your staff see that you are
in your growth and in your well-being
and in your learning
okay so please tag us on facebook at spa
professional skills
take us at the spa consultants tag me
and on instagram as well and then i just
want to
do a very special warm welcome to
our module one professionals
that are have taken the leap
to grow themselves and to
better themselves with this new
transformational management i am going
touch on it a little bit later on as
well that
um we have an amazing group of
professionals that
are on module one at the moment two from
one from swaziland four from the usa
three from cape town two from clarkstop
two from kzedin and 13 from harting so a
special warm welcome to you as well
you are attending module one as the
is part of the module and the workbook
that they have to work through
and really what module one is all about
is the importance of self reflection
and i want to touch on that for two
seconds because all the professionals
that are in module one right now
or doing something that is not the norm
in a management course it’s not the norm
you don’t sign up for a business
management course
and the first thing that is thrown at
you is self reflection
self self-analysis looking at you
so we’ve approached this management and
i’m going to call it transformational
because that is what’s happening right
now the industry
has and is busy transforming
the world is transforming the economy is
but before you can tackle that
you have to look at yourself
and that is where we start we start with
very in-depth look at you as an
individual and
you as a manager so if anybody who is
busy with module one wants to go into
the check box
and let everybody else on this coaching
session know
so far how are you finding this
introspection this having a look at
you and figuring out exactly what
your job is and how you fit into
creating a culture within your business
and in a management style okay
so this is our facebook page please if
you haven’t joined it because most of
our announcements are all going to move
please go and join here we do
email us every week with tips invaluable
tips for that
matter um to do with growth
with development with learning okay so
please like our facebook page
as well as our two instagram pages so
the one is spa professionals guild
and the other one is my personal
business coach
page so it’s called spa business coach
you’ll see most of the posts on um both
but it is a great idea to to
um follow both of those okay
super so we finally got what we wished
for right
we’re open and we’ve been open for a
little while
and the feedback that i’m getting and i
don’t know
if all of you are in agreement or not
and i would like to hear from you
in the chat box is that there was
i mean some of you might still be in it
an initial
climb so an initial if i can call it a
mini rush
people rushing in to get hands and feet
done to get waxing
to almost get essential grooming
sorted out right some
are already experiencing
what i refer to as
the calm after the storm
okay so if any of you are experiencing
already find yourselves in the calm
after the storm and if you’re not there
the calm will come because it is the
of the cycle of what we are going
through right now
which is a a post lockdown
clock basically how it works so when the
economy comes to a halt
and people can’t get their hands on
then there is the storm which i’m
referring to
okay then afterwards comes
the calmness and this is what i
was going to happen all through the
coaching sessions i said to you
this is what is going to happen now
we need to take the next step and face
the reality of what we find ourselves in
okay so i’m not enjoying what i’m seeing
in this chat
somebody miranda is saying it’s not calm
death okay so don’t like that word
sorry i love you babes but i don’t like
the word death
um so as true as it might seem the first
thing that i want everybody to do is to
the lingo change the verbiage
the words doesn’t calm sound
better than death yes or no
and in this instance it means exactly
the same thing calm and death
means the same thing it means it’s quiet
but what i want you to understand from
the verbage or the words
is that our words and what we say and
what we think
make our reality they really do so i’m
not saying go out there and say
i’m busy i’m busy i’m busy i’m busy i’m
busy just trying to put it out there
when it’s just not
real i’m not saying that what i’m saying
is watch our words
watch what we say and how we describe
the situations we’re in
because that creates our reality we are
in death i’m just telling you all we are
not we are in
calm and what we want to create now
is we don’t want the storm back we just
want sustainability
we just want to we just want to hang in
there okay
so carmen is saying clients are scared
how i am scared
my hairdresser tested positive
um candy’s saying that’s why we have you
kim much slower now clients are getting
very scared now
i had five clients cancelled this week
alone due to testing positive okay
so i want to address that because that
is real
all right and i want to go to the slide
where it’s where i chat about feedback
from all of you from the from the past
week and the week that we find ourselves
and the and the two pointers that are
there are exactly
what i’m sure you find yourselves in
right now lots of cancellations
okay either lots of cancellations or
just a complete
lull in bookings and why because clients
are scared infection rates are rising
and people are realizing this is
like wildfire it’s spreading like
okay and secondly the bookings or the
storm was not as busy as we expected it
to be so we may have expected it to be
busy for a whole month or busy for two
months and we were only busy for two
okay so so that’s really the feedback
and what i want to go through today
is what are we going to do in the
situation that we find ourselves in
all right what are we going to do
when we can see before our very own eyes
that our revenue is starting to decline
okay or like i like to rather call it
the calmness is sitting in and we don’t
lack the calmness
okay so
my first question to you all is
what are you doing about
the okay you don’t have to answer it
because i’m going to take you through
five tips that i have for you to do
but before i take you through those five
i want you to ask yourself this question
answer it to yourself what am
i doing about the con
am i praying that it gets better
am i crying am i
digging myself into a hole and just
hoping it will all go away am i shying
away from
things from clients from people
ask yourself what are you doing
about it because ultimately
it is your responsibility ultimately
you are in final control and in charge
of how your story ends nobody else
okay and your story can either end with
okay ending because i don’t think we are
finding ourselves in the times right now
where our ending
is going to be amazing okay the amazing
will come
but we have a long road ahead of us
what i would like is for our story to
end with
i made it i made it
my team made it we survived this and now
is our time to grow so we’re not there
yet we are
right now we are in what i’m
calling survival mode of
the economic shift that the pandemic has
brought about
to the whole world never mind to our
country okay
so let’s go tip number one
don’t sit back and accept
and say people are scared business is
don’t accept it that’s
where it starts okay where it starts is
your resolve to say
no ways i will not
accept defeat i will not accept
that this is going to be my outcome okay
and i think this video clip is next so i
just want to prepare you all for this
video clip
is i cried my heart out when i saw this
so if you all need to cry
this is our platform okay
you can cry and if you want to cry in
the chat box because i can’t see your
you can cry that is what this is about
because i want to show you a video clip
of something that seemed impossible
scientifically literally impossible
and the person would not accept
defeat and that is what i want you to
get out of this video clip
okay so enjoy it
and uh let’s see who grass
when troubles come
you raise me up
so i can stand
i am strong when i
am on your shoulders
how beautiful how beautiful
is that so
what i want you to take from that video
clip is one don’t accept defeat
absolutely not part of who we are and
number two
is that that young man had his dad
but we have each other okay we have each
as an industry and as a group of
and together we are gonna finish this
flipping race
we are gonna do it okay i just want you
to be able to say
i did it i am i’m i finished the race i
survived it
okay second pointer
pick up the phone phone this thing
phone and start
selling not calling start
selling because that is what you need to
okay shirley said personally calling
each and every client and gets so
excited when they book
who else is personally
phoning clients and getting bookings out
of it
kim i know you said to me that you
actually physically phoning and are you
getting bookings out of it
so i just want to hear from those of you
out there
okay sarah is it working okay
so it’s one of those things you got to
pick up the phone
okay sarah says yes you got to pick up
that phone
and you have to start selling
it is what it is what it is okay that’s
what what we find ourselves in right now
ask clients what they want
okay so vanessa’s saying some are
booking but many are not
although we are keeping the connection
with the salon going well that’s very
okay i just want to tell you that out of
50 phone calls if you get
10 bookings you’ve done well
you’ve done well out of 50 phone calls
it’s a numbers game here
but let me tell you what the other 40
that didn’t book
did get out of that phone call is they
got what vanessa is referring to as
and connection is what’s going to keep
your boat afloat okay
so ask clients what they
want here are some tips what is your
sales verbiage
what words are you using to create
on that phone call okay how do you
handle an objection
so if somebody says well flip i’m
desperate but
i’m scared do you have a comeback
do you have a comeback that is good
for you so that if you were on the other
side of that phone
and you had the same objection you would
have agreed to the come back that the
person gave you
that’s how good your comeback needs to
be next pointer is how many calls are
you prepared
to make in a day five
because five is not enough 5 is not
to keep your business going especially
if you’ve reached
the con you have to make 20 phone calls
a day
the next one is do you find
your clients pain and
offer them the solution
right now clients are not looking for
solutions to beauty problems they’re
looking for solutions to
pains to what is really hurting them
and what is really greating them so
whether it is
a an absolutely uncontrollable bout of
you know what you have the solution for
or if it’s a shocking breakout because
of the masks that we’re wearing
you have the solution for them but you
need to
find that pain first and then offer
the solution okay
next pointer is increase
client communication in
every possible way that
you can okay and i’m going to give you
some ideas
when last did you send out a survey
because i remember
in our coaching sessions we we did a
sanitation survey
pre-opening it’s time for another one
and it needs to be those quick ones
where they just go
yes no yes no rate it okay
and why are you doing this because you
want to stay top of mind
and because you want to keep the
connection and because you want
to know what do they want
so here’s your survey some ideas i’m
just giving you some ideas
ask them to rate you on your sanitation
and hygiene protocols
you want to know how are you doing are
they impressed
ask them what treatments
they would like to have in the future
even if not now if your survey says what
are you interested in that
is the wrong verbiage and the reason why
that is the wrong verbiage
is because right now clients are
probably going to go
nothing right now because they’re too
what you want to find out is what are
they yearning for
what are they wishing for what is on
their wish list
because that then gives you an idea
of what to market towards them
okay so quickly vanessa’s saying some
are booking but many are not
oh yeah many clients are saying that
they don’t want to be spammed as in too
many emails okay
so then when you say if they’re saying
they don’t want to be spammed then you
need to look at
how much communication is going out
because they might feel like
it is too much communication if you’re
sending out
one email every second or third week
that is not being spammed
but if you’re sending out emails and
specials and emails and specials
i would feel exactly the same way so
just be very choosy about your
be very very picky about it and only do
what is going to give you what i call
information because right now your whole
business depends on their critical
okay so just back to that second point
of the survey
you need to know what your clients are
wishing for
because that gives you your
it tells you what their pain is
if they say they’re in need of a massage
you know that their pain
is body aches and pains stress anxiety
also phone each client or phone
just five or ten after every service
to get some feedback they need
they need to hear your voice they need
to hear the connection
they need to they need to you need to be
top of mind for them
okay next one is what are your online
i’m finding that during lockdown
everybody was super focused on online
because that’s all they could
be focused on now all of a sudden
they’re focusing on keeping their space
virus free which is a very important
focus please don’t get me wrong
building up the staff’s morale and
keeping the clock ticking you know
keeping the cash flow going
but now the online efforts seem to have
faded a little bit
and and the that that urgency
doesn’t seem to be there something that
is going to stay
post pandemic post
lockdown post economic
shift that is taking place one thing
is guaranteed that it will remain
and it will grow and that is everything
on line everything
so please ladies you need to wrap your
head around this
and you need to also understand that
this is a path and a journey online
isn’t just
tomorrow it happens it’s happening it’s
rolling for me
it’s rolling in money definitely not
this is going to take time effort energy
but you need to have a strategy and you
need to work it really really work it
because i can tell you that this will
this is a definite that will stay
and you’ve got to have a presence there
so for example
my questions to you are are you doing
online gift vouchers
okay because if you’re not get on to it
are you taking your bookings online if
you’re not
get on to it okay anything online
will only evolve and grow but it is here
to stay online retail sales
get on top of it you know that the
online retail sales can also take away
so much anxiety on the part
of your staff because now it’s one less
step really
i mean they have to prescribe okay we’re
not doing away with all the basics
of how treatments are done but if your
clients are getting into a regular
purchasing habit
online regular they go back in they just
top up cleansers toners
when they come into you all it does is
open up the opportunity
for added sales upsells
link sales you don’t want to sell them
their basics when they’re there
let them buy all of that online okay
then my other question to you is if you
are offering all of this already because
some of you might say
um i’ve got an online presence i’ve got
all of this okay
what are you doing about growing this as
revenue stream but here’s my challenge
to you
as a 50 percent revenue stream
in your business now i want you to look
at your numbers
and i want you to look at the what-if
and i want you to go and live
in what if so let’s say and i want you
to do the numbers pre
before lockdown so let’s say your salon
was doing a hundred thousand rand
fifty percent of that is 50 000
rand imagine
i want to put you in a what if situation
you were doing that 50
now as a revenue stream or
in two months time or three months time
imagine you had 50 of your revenue or
let’s take the number 50
000 right and that was coming in
online because people are going me and
they are buying
so i want you to live in that what if
because what is what will happen
if you put yourself in that what-if
situation is you’ll say to yourself oh
my gosh
my life would be so much easier i would
a lot less stress because some of my
fixed expenses would be covered by that
so i need you to go there because by
going there you’re going to put extra
effort into getting your online revenue
to the point where it is giving you
contributing 50 of your written okay
and next one next question i have and i
love this picture is how
obsessed are you with your business
and with succeeding
how obsessed are you are you a little
bit obsessed
or are you like this cat who absolutely
take his arse off of that fish
and until that fish is in his stomach
he will continue to try every single
little method possible in his
being to get to that fish
so this is a personal question is how
obsessed are you because however
obsessed you are
is how your story will end
okay so i have a few ideas
to share with you and again they are
ideas because as the weeks go by
and as i attend a lot of you know
international webinars or just
you know i’m quite in contact with a lot
of um overseas wellness programs and
wellness institutions and things like
i can see that possible trends that
could be coming our way
so i just want to share with you all the
information that i
get and you can see can you adapt this
and can it be of value to your business
okay so the first one is going forward
in order for us to try and sustain our
is look for immune system building
add-ons to your treatments
because really what this whole
um never mind just covert is about
that what wellness
is about is about building immunity
and building up our immune system
so find a nurse to collaborate with to
a vitamin drip or that all comes with
do vitamin shots for your clients
come up with an immune system building
that has specific oils that aid
in immune system building there’s so
many things that
you can do you can add a little immune
system building
shoulder massage to every single facial
that you are offering
so look for ways in which to be able to
anything with the words immune system
or immune system boosting because those
are quite important to the consumer
right now
another idea is covert key packs with
different kinds of products to support a
client who is either covered positive
or who is on the covert recovery path
so again it could be packs that have
bath oils to help relax the body and
ease the muscle aches and pains
or just something that just smells the
bath oil or the body scrub and a body
the whole idea here is to
support that client
from an aroma and an and how are they
feeling point of view because at the end
of the day
getting through a covert infection
is really about treating the symptoms
because there is no vaccine
and symptoms are different for everybody
but one thing that is for sure is that
a person that is covet infected wants
to feel better those words resonate with
every single person i’ve spoken to that
has had
the coronavirus is all they want is to
feel better so
bear that in mind and start thinking
about what kind of packs can you put
together for clients
to buy for their family that are covert
infected okay
you need to start thinking a little bit
more laterally now
also the kids are back at school
these breakouts seem to be on the rise
at the moment from wearing the masks
they wear those masks they sweat a lot
the sweat
causes bacteria and so we have a
so look at team clean packs that you can
put together
don’t make them complicated it can be a
wash for teens a teen wash either with
glycolic acid or salicylic acid
and then perhaps just one supporting
and you all have different product
houses but for example from acid would
be an o2 serum which oxygenates the skin
and assists the skin in in getting rid
of bacteria and also
you know keeping it oxygenated so just
something basic like that
also for an adult i’ve called it healthy
under the covers
okay healthy under the covers means
under the mask cover
packs and again these adults that are
from breakouts in that specific area
of the skin and it’s all got back to do
with wearing these masks also
virtual consultations for clients that
are scared to come in right now
even i’ve had a lot of you say to me
marisa they don’t want to pay for these
virtual consultations
okay so then let’s let’s let’s chat to
if your clients don’t want to pay for
the virtual consults
offer the virtual consult free to them
but make sure that you get something out
of it and what is that something out of
retail sales so perhaps say to them look
the virtual consult fee is 500 grand
okay or it’s 300 grand i’ll deduct that
off the purchase of your retail products
that come with the virtual consultation
but right now you’ve got to tap into
every single resource that you have
to clients that don’t want to come in
because they’re afraid but they do
have skin care needs and skin care
okay so please be that in mind
so those are just a few ideas if anybody
has any other ideas
that they have already done that are
working please go into our chat box
and and share it with the group okay so
today i decided to put your focus at the
of of um the presentation well almost at
the end we’re not quite done
instead of at the beginning okay because
i wanted you
to to get your mindset right and i
wanted you
to go through those few steps that i’ve
taken you through
and the most important step being that
point number one
is do not accept defeat
okay now let’s do your checklist with
of where you should be right now and
what you should be doing and do your
ticks or do your crosses
and then you have your to-do list for
the week okay so one is are you
following your sops and being strict
with clients
i’m sure you are and if you are not
well i’m sure you will be very soon as
the infections rate rise
so everybody gets more scared so your
protocols have to get stricter
are you communicating with your staff on
a daily basis about how
they are feeling vital
okay because i’m sure they’re taking
strain due to salary cuts
i’m sure i’m sure they are scared to
come in to work some of them
you need to understand the mindset
that your staff are in currently and
you’ve got to deal with it you cannot
run away with it
okay so for those of you who haven’t yet
purchased the wellness guide we have a
wellness card that is available for you
it’s specific to our industry
it has a well-being questionnaire really
a quality of life questionnaire
that you put all your stuff through and
as the owner manager through because you
cannot run your business
unless you understand the state of mind
that all your staff are in
do you have internal training booked
with your staff for the next week if you
please book it even if it’s motivation
even if it’s let’s do an exercise today
or sops standard operating procedures
training every single week but the point
is training doesn’t stop now
because covert has overtaken our lives
are you asking your clients for feedback
after these services we spoke about this
already but again this is your checklist
what wellness initiative are you running
with your staff in your business
right now what wellness initiative do
have going right now and if you don’t
have one
this is a must it has to get onto that
to-do list
are you fully booked for the next month
again i’m sure
because we’ve all come here and it’s the
after the storm i don’t think you are
and if you are not what are you doing
about it
because it’s all about action and
activity you have to do
something about it are you selling
whether it’s online or whether it’s on
virtual consults
but you need to keep those retail sales
have you looked at your treatment and
retail margins
right now is the best time to do this
and reworked your treatment menu
the industry is evolving treatments
are going to change i don’t know exactly
where they’re going
i don’t know but i can tell you
that in that last slide that i spoke
which is look for immune boosting ideas
look for anything to support what
could be going through either having had
the coronavirus
or recovering from it i can tell you
that a lot of the treatments that we are
going to have to offer
are going to need to support people
through this
because it’s real this is what is
happening right now
are you charging a covert care surcharge
and how are your clients reacting to it
so kim who is on the school shared with
me the other day a little poster that
she put up
outside her salon and she said it is
like a bomb and her poster
said that if you want to support
her in her journey with
the rising costs of ppe they would so
appreciate a donation
a voluntary donation towards it
and um kim i don’t know if you are still
on the call but if you want to go into
that um chat box
and let people know um how this
voluntary donation thing is working for
and how have your clients responded to
it it would be great
um to hear you could even unmute maybe
and let
all of us know how clients have reacted
to that
miranda’s saying have half half covert
care charge okay
good all right and then how is your
online strategy going
are you still driving it which we’ve
spoken about the online
so really what i’ve been through today
most of it is part of your checklist
of what you should be doing except
for the point of pick up the phone
and start selling okay
not communicating oh kim’s mark’s not
okay no problem maybe type it in kim and
then i’ll read it out
um to everybody there we go so kim is
saying her little poster
asking for a voluntary donation worked
so well
so instead of just saying we have a
and she put it up yesterday okay so
that’s brilliant kim
that’s fantastic to hear so i think
you see she’s got 550 round already
who covert that is amazing
okay fatima is saying all clients paid
the covers to charge with a smile and
said that they feel so thoroughly safe
in our space okay it’s beautiful so just
these covert key charges and how we
navigate the space
that we are in right now has so much to
with the verbiage and the words that we
are using to convey the message
so i would really like to urge all of
if you’re not sure on words to use get
hold of me you all have my number
okay just message me and say maurice i’m
not sure what to say i’m not sure how to
say it
that is what this community is there for
for us
to to learn from each other and for us
to grow
with ideas with each other and for us to
ask each other’s opinions in order to
okay lucia hi i didn’t see you on from
actually from portugal at this point in
time so welcome
um all right so everybody has got their
checklist you’ve taken a photograph of
you’ve got your checklist you’ve got
your to-do list now
okay so i want to quickly in ending off
chat to you about the management
transformation that has arrived
okay it definitely arrived sooner than
what i thought
i have noticed in the last six months a
little bit longer
that the way the tools that we have to
manage our businesses
and our staff and ourselves as
individuals because there are some of
you here
that run your businesses where it’s you
yourself and you okay
but you still need to run the business
you still need to manage it
and i have seen that management
and it has started shifting has started
definitely covert brought about this
much much quicker because i have seen
things in the law in fact they are still
this i want to call it a revolution
instead of a transformation is so
dynamic right now
that it is i mean we are taking content
that i was so convinced is right
and adapting it as we are pushing it out
because this is how management and how
we deal with people how we deal with
ourselves how we deal with our staff how
we deal with our clients
is just in an ever-changing and evolving
situation right now okay so really
it’s about how are you
how are you accepting this management
have you accepted it are you doing
anything about it okay
so it is most definitely time
to upgrade your business toolbox and
that is what we are calling
our business management training that we
are hosting through spa professional
okay what this business training
aims to achieve by the end of the seven
modules because there’s seven modules
that you go through
is for you to become this
fish and what is this fish doing
this fish is moving out
from what the norm was
and moving into and there’s a lot of
ways to see
that bowl i don’t see that bowl
as empty i see that bowl
as clear and free
because that is what the fish is doing
it’s moving
to clear waters
and to freedom in the waters
and that is what our business management
aims to deliver we aim to ensure
that you double your bottom line digits
at some point in time okay we’re sitting
in the middle of a pandemic
yes but there is still room for growth
but the growth starts with your resolve
to say okay i accept
i will resolve to change and to accept
that business is changing there has been
a massive
and there is still being a massive
economic shift and what am i going to do
about it and how am i going to navigate
the waters through it
okay so like i chatted to you about in
the beginning i actually want to take
you to that slide
module one we start
very differently instead of looking at
business principles which is what most
business management courses do
we don’t do that we introspect first
we make you look at yourself in ways
that you haven’t looked at
before we make you do things that we’ve
professionals that are are right now on
this coaching session that have been
messaging me saying marisa
what are you making me do i’ve never
done this before
it’s a little bit uncomfortable i can’t
believe um
what i’m having to do here and i can’t
believe what i’m reading okay
and that’s where we’re starting because
are your business ultimately
and if you are not right first and you
don’t understand
yourself as an individual and as a
business owner
manager then there’s no ways you can
move on to the rest of the business so
we start there
okay so that’s module number one it
takes a month
to complete the coaching sessions
that we normally charge for those
are free as part of your module one
okay and then you will also get feedback
on certain assignments that need to be
so those modules are 99 us dollars per
and seven of them so if you calculate
that it’s actually not
a lot it’s it’s a minute investment
into a business management course that
covers everything about the business
so we we delve into i’m going to show
you what a module two is all about in a
but we delve into finance we delve into
systems that you have implemented we
delve into
staff we delve into standard operating
and marketing and sales and so on and so
on so this
holistically looks at you and how you
running your business
so module number two is staff
tough times don’t last but tough
teams do and that is what we want to
achieve now whether you are your own
business owner
and you work by yourself okay
it is still about toughening yourself
up as an individual and looking at what
you would typically look at okay am i
doing this with my staff
you would now look at it differently and
say well am i doing this
with myself am i creating a champion
am i following the systems am i
following my planner which is something
that we go into in module
two as well to do with with staff so
is module two just to give you an
indication of of
what we go through there so there we
cover six steps to creating a brilliant
personality profiling to balance out
your team
very very important is to get the right
balance of personalities in your team
effective communication active
listening and the importance of
this is vital to whether you have staff
or not
because you do active listening and
effective communication with your
clients as well
the importance of planning your daily
turnover there’s one
document that i hold as absolute
sacred to any business and that is your
daily turnover planner so i don’t know
how many of you are currently doing this
and if you are not it has to happen in
your businesses
we have your daily checklists templates
drawn up for you
we have a five-point growth plan that
is used with your team or with yourself
as an individual
we really delve into the value of your
hour okay some of you who have been
through this with me before
we go much deeper into it but the value
of your
hour sets the tone for your entire
and how you see yourself fitting into
that business
and then we take you through a mindset
shift 101
okay so that’s just to give you a little
indication of what module two holds
and this is the type of content that you
can expect from all
seven of the modules that we take you
in this business management
transformational training
okay so before we go
can i hear from anybody if you have any
questions let’s open up the chat box or
you can unmute
now’s the time to ask away to
let’s share some ideas for the last few
minutes before we all say goodbye
anybody would like to share anything or
ask any questions now’s your chance
can’t seem to open up my checkbox
oh there we go okay
has anyone broadcasted a message on
okay so yes kara
yes we have what’s your question and
sarah says yes
carla says yes kim says yes all the time
okay but there is a little tip to it
kara so what is your question about
broadcasting a message
so i’m not sure if all of you know
that if the person you are broadcasting
does not have your number saved
on their device they will not get that
okay so i’m not sure if everybody knows
and is aware of that okay if
your number
is it okay that it’s not personal the
broadcast message
okay so i don’t know would anybody like
to answer cara before i do
i have an answer but it’s nice to hear
from everybody else
anybody you’re welcome murray circuit
sorry marie says claire darling what
i’ve also noticed with the broadcasters
is that
the person who doesn’t have our number
saved everybody off
sorry everybody after them is also not
receiving oh beautiful so if you’ve got
250 odd people in the broadcast and
number 50 is the one that doesn’t have
saved as as a contact it will be
all 200 after that as well that won’t
receive it
um which is quite a thing and i’m not
sure where around it i’ve been trying to
investigate and i haven’t found a
solution yet
okay so thank you thanks for sharing
that i wasn’t aware of that oh my gosh
so this is my suggestion to all of you
with broadcast messages
is number one is i would create
files first of all so you have
mail broadcast you have mom
mothers broadcast you have anti-aging
you have um nails
broadcast so you basically create
files of clients that you are
broadcasting to
that’s number one number two is to
that everybody that you are putting into
your broadcast message
has you saved on their phone and that
is not a mammoth task if you start it
off correctly so you ask the client may
i add you to the broadcast
group for the following categories
because i see that this is what you’re
interested in
please ensure that my number is saved on
your phone and blah blah blah
okay so if you create those little
and then you target the the message that
you’re sending out
so if it is a mother’s day message it
will go out to all the mothers
only if it is a nail offer you want to
target your communication so that people
don’t feel like they’re being spammed
with so much stuff
okay so we have um in the chat box
saying um
corey you are asking if it’s um personal
and then um josh says it’s okay because
you still greet the person and they
don’t know it’s a broadcast
okay um carmen is saying broadcasting
does not work for her
okay kim is saying broadcast messages is
like posting on social
same sort of level of communication
cindy has created whatsapp groups
through which she communicates with
then we have i’ve been calling my
clients personally to ask if they’re
satisfied with these services and
they’re just so happy to hear from me
and not the receptionist that is
amazing brilliant well done
okay and then cindy i mean carmen’s
asking cindy
if you speak to the clients before
adding them admins only
amazing to the call but when you’re
sending to a database or cost of fun
okay so i think at the end of the day
part of our and we’re going to get to
this in the marketing and sales module
of the business training is a very
important method of and i’m going to
quickly touch on it now since this is
the question that we’re asking
and and this was interesting because it
was brought up
um about maybe end of last year
in a in a um sales training that i
and one of the most important points
that they made there and it really
resonated to me as an individual
and maybe when i tell you it will
resonate to you as an individual
is that you have to communicate with
your client
in the way that they want to be
communicated to
and i found that very interesting and
the speaker said
that means that you will have to
communicate to clients through social
media if that’s where they look
you have to communicate to clients on
whatsapp if that’s their preferred
method of communication
you will have to communicate to clients
on email if that’s their preferred
and then he said something very
interesting too he said so while i’m
telling you all of this you’re probably
thinking oh my gosh what a mammoth task
but not if it is set up correctly
from the word go so
really my advice to you is if you’re
to to make the step forward on
communicating correctly and efficiently
so that you get response back because
ultimately that’s you what you want you
bookings or feedback then you have to
find out how
each and every single one of your
clients communicates
and put them into that category of
so to give you a quick example i don’t
like being communicated to on email i
don’t enjoy it
at all in fact i i read it because i
have to
but it’s not my preferred method of
communication anybody wants to get an
answer this quick from me
they send a whatsapp and most people who
know me know that
so they will quickly drop me a voice
note drop me a whatsapp and they’ll know
they will get an answer from marisa
within a few seconds
and that is how to tap into me as an
and to market to me as an individual not
through social media either
i read it and i look at it that it’s not
where i’m responsive it’s not where
where i’m asked to give a call to action
and i action it
is on whatsapp so okay so common
and darshani and kim are all answering
exactly what that guy said and exactly
we’re going to take you through the
process of communication in the
marketing module of the program
because you have to have to communicate
to clients
in the way that they want to be spoken
to otherwise you’re actually wasting
your energy
time and money for that matter so for
all of you
who are sending out millions of sms’s
and you’re wondering why they’re not
you need to try and understand does my
respond to text messages and sms
messages or
are they like me who all i do is swipe
it off
i literally that’s what i do i delete it
and that is the importance of making
sure that your marketing is
is um correct and speaks to your
audience and then i want to say at this
point in time
that none of our audiences are going to
be the same
because we all have different clients
so that’s what’s important what what
might work for
shazia won’t work for kim and won’t work
for me
and the other way around so you have to
find your niche
and you have to find what do your
clients respond to put them into that
category in that bracket
and then push out your communication
that way okay
so darshani saying whatsapp has
definitely become a very personal and
professional platform for communication
correct and it’s quite interesting
um and everybody on the school that it
i’m not sure whether it is a south
african thing
and and i think that it i’m not sure
actually i think europe has cottoned
onto it quite a lot
but i’ve got some friends in australia
who think i’m
um crazy why am i always on whatsapp and
same goes for the usa i
find that the usa are not as interactive
and whatsapp savvy as we seem to be
so this is quite interesting for me as
well they’re navigating
our way through communicating
because remember spa professionals guild
is an international platform
and we’re finding that we have to change
our communication strategies
so that we tapping into how do different
countries communicate as well
okay darshan is saying usa is apple
driven so they use our message well
there you go
okay super duper okay so does anybody
else have any other questions so sorry
last um call to action for all of you
okay for any of you wanting to start
on our course that we are doing the
seven modules
the next one i’m just going to go back
there so that you can see
starts on the 16th of july that is next
week thursday
we have a brief introduction meeting
where i take you through what you have
to do
okay and then mod so that’s module one
it’s very simple you go exactly where
you registered for this
um coaching session you go on to the our
facebook page
and you register for module one okay and
those of you who are busy doing module
one you would be registering at this
point in time for module two
which is not starting on thursday and
we’re extending by week so you’ve got an
extra week to finish all your
and we’re starting module two on the
23rd of july
okay so
um thank you for your invaluable
onto the phone asap i like your offer
virtual consultations at clients cancel
and you’ve really helped me today i love
i’m so so happy is the 30th
for the current module one no sarah
current module one
you’re going to start module two on the
23rd of july
okay sorry so let’s just clarify
new module one we start next week
thursday the 16th
module two we start on thursday the 23rd
the message that i have here at the end
so thank you for helping me clarify
the 30th of july is going to be our next
group coaching session okay
and that’s remember i’m only going to
tell you the topic
because i want to see what happens
between you and me where do you
where does the industry need help i like
to make it
like topical okay when it when it
that’s the kind of coaching that i want
to do okay um
when do we have assignment feedback when
all the assignments are in
sarah then we will give you feedback
individually all right
so to everybody out there my goal
today was and i want to hear in the chat
if i’ve achieved my goal please and be
ruthless with your answers
because i don’t easily get upset or
my goal today was to give you
all a motivation injection
did i achieve my goal or not
that’s what i want to hear okay because
if i didn’t
i’m going to get hold of you personally
and make sure
that i deliver on what my goal was today
oh i felt like crying oh okay
good oh that’s beautiful
absolutely beautiful good if anybody
feels that they didn’t get that
motivation shot
please get hold of me personally
and i will deliver on that promise okay
so everybody we’re not in this on our
we’re not okay please everyone i want to
ask you to help us build this network
get colleagues in the industry to join
this is so needed this this kind of
little hour hour and a half that we have
every second thursday
is so vital to us making it to the
end of the story okay to the survival of
so please get everybody in touch get
everybody jumping on
those of you who haven’t started your
training your transformational training
with us
please please sign up and register it
really is a my nude fee
for the kind of value that you are going
to get out of the course
and also remember that we have a full
refund money back guarantee if you feel
like you’re not getting your value from
okay thank you everybody love you all
very much
we’re gonna do this there is no
defeat if you feel like you’re being
please message me okay because then it’s
time for us to have a phone call
all right everybody cheers
hi how are you
how you doing i love your hair you
changed the color of your hair
cheers everybody stay strong everyone
stay the course
stay the course thanks in
bye bye bye
hi helen finding you
she didn’t put down a phone call that’s
very funny
okay cheers everyone i’m gonna log off

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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