Spa Professionals Guild

5 Tips to implement if you want to succeed in emerging from the crisis



Whilst many business owners find themselves either still in the SURVIVAL phase of a typical crisis navigation, others have moved into MANAGING and are starting to see small changes in their business but where you really want to be is EMERGING from the crisis.

Emerging means something close to sprouting, so think of when a seed sprouts, it rises up or grows. 
I know you are all busy so let’s get down to the ideas right away!

  1. Keep yourself in a state of constant exploration, whether you’re exploring new brands, new treatment trends or new systems to implement in your business.
  2. Use good judgement when making decisions. Because this specific crisis has no analogy to the past it is difficult to envision the future so good judgement is critical. A mentor or business coach will help you develop this.
  3. Learn from your mistakes and act on what you discovered. To give an example, you may have learned from this crisis that your brand partners or suppliers were nowhere to be seen or heard during the rough times so act on that discovery and no matter how much you might love your products it’s time to partner with the right brands.
  4. Build stronger connections to your clients and staff and all involved in your business. The stronger the connections the greater the emergence!
  5. Invest in growth. NOW is the right time to invest in something DIFFERENT, something NEW, something AMAZING to show your clients you take being the BEST seriously!

There you have it, 5 tips to implement. 5 tips that WORK!

What type of investments could you look at? Well, join us on Thursday 17th September at 1pm for a presentation from an Innovation Expert from Australia. Mariza Nuttall specializes in implementation of growth investments in the form of technology into your business. She has over 20 years experience in the Beauty, Spa and Aesthetics market place and is always on trend with technology.

Click the image below to register: 

FOOTNOTE: I know you were eagerly awaiting STEP 2 of my magic “guarantee the sale system”. I’ve also promised you I would keep each weekly newsletter and session current to the challenges we face. This week I decided to enrich your toolkit with INNOVATION, but don’t despair! Next week we will get right back to our magic sales system. All I’ll leave you with now is this: The most exciting part is Step 2 of the three step MAGIC system to a GUARANTEED sale is coming up next week…

Marisa xxx

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.