Spa Professionals Guild

1 October 2020: Module 4 Kick off – Group 1


Module 4 Kick off – Group 1

Video Transcript: Module 4 Kick off – Group 1

so welcome
group one of spa professionals guilds
lunas to your module four so
you are just past halfway
so before we carry on i’d like
to so we’re not specifically going to
talk about module 3
yet um but i’ll go to the next slide
so what i’d like to hear from each of
individually and it would be nice if you
um unmute and show your video if you
can’t show video it really isn’t a
problem but perhaps unmute
and just give us yeah or give each other
so far your top two bests
from the entire journey that um you’ve
had so it doesn’t have to be specific to
module three
but if you want to make it specific to
module 3 you can
but i’d like to hear from everybody what
has been
your top two absolute
bests how they’ve changed your business
that type of thing just before we carry
on so michelle you first on my screen
can you go first or do you want to think
because it looks like you think it’s
fine i know exactly what’s the best
okay so let’s know i know exactly what’s
the best okay let’s start with michelle
off you go
at the best but it’s also the saddest
thing that i’ve seen
the whole the whole time that i’ve been
doing this module
and it was the profit and loss statement
okay i i always thought i was breaking
but i realized that um no
but it was helpful because i now know
where my problem areas are
and how i can sort them out so i’m very
grateful for the profit and loss
statement i’ve been talking about p and
everywhere i go do you know your p l do
you know your p
l do you i’m so that’s been me for a
week now
and the other thing that i had never
was a self-evaluation so right in the
when i asked when you guys asked us to
self-evaluate ourselves
um it was something completely
uncomfortable for me
something that i’ve never done and
something that i think
everybody should do in general in life
not just as managers why are we getting
the the remarks or why are we getting
attitudes that we’re getting does it
come from us
first maybe so that’s been my
two best um things so far
okay amazing good good so i know that
um the profit and loss scared you a
little bit because we’ve been chatting
about it
but that’s the point of that exercise
is for you to really really really
get an understanding of your numbers and
like i said you don’t have to become an
you don’t even have to be a numbers
person you just have to have an
of your numbers and a very clear one
because there’s a big difference
between revenue and profit and that is
what that sheet shows you that
sometimes people are doing amazing
revenues and they think
wow this is like awesome then when they
sit down
and they have a look at their profit and
loss they realize good golly i’m doing
huge revenues but i’m actually running
at a loss
and that can just hearten somebody
so i understand how you’re feeling but
at least now you have the tools
and you’re able to like you said you you
know what you need to do now to get you
to the right place
okay so that’s awesome thank you so much
right who’s up next dna are you able to
can you tell us what your two best takes
hi hi so
so for me module two stood out a lot
i found that throughout the entire
module actually
as someone that’s stepping into their
own business
i reflected a lot on when i was a
therapist and i found myself
a lot of things that management would
put in place and i would ask myself but
why it’s not necessary
and there was so much that was covered
in the module
and when i look back i think to myself
okay it makes sense now why that was put
in place
so for me i must say communication has
a big eye-opener for me as to why you
need to communicate with your team
why you need to explain what you are
things in place for because so many
it makes sense for you as a manager but
it doesn’t make sense to the team
so they in a uncomfortable position of
do i really have to do this why am i
doing this especially like with
opening and closing checklists it’s
something that was implemented in my
place of work and we always used to
[ __ ] and moan about it i’m not even
sugarcoat it it was something that you
thought oh my gosh
this is such a waste of time why are we
doing this and we just close up and tick
tick tick tick tick everything but you
know when you look back
and you think to yourself okay there is
a method to
management’s madness so communication
has definitely been
a huge thing that i’ve picked up from
module two
um module three was a bit of a difficult
one for me
just because i’m not currently working
in the trade but it was also an eye
opener when it came to the profit and
and how you can operate your books and
how you should
always keep an eye on your books even
though you might have someone doing it
for you it’s always good to have a brief
overview of and understanding of
what is going on within your business
okay that sounds awesome
so dna let me ask you a question how do
you think
you will prevent your staff
one day from just tick tick tick tick
tick the checklist
and go because let’s face it a lot of
our therapists may
very well do that because um they think
okay the checklist is there
but um let me just tick it and my
manager’s off my back
how do you think um having been through
from a therapist point of view and now
from a business owner point of view
can we prevent something like that from
happening and actually get the therapist
to tick what they physically do
so what we found helped us was that we
always had because it was a hotel spa
in the morning we had the housekeeping
actually do our checklist so there was
always an external party that
wasn’t really involved with a spa to do
the checklist so she would come in and
and if anything wasn’t
closed or if anything wasn’t
put neatly she would always make a note
of it so
i think definitely as a manager to also
do a quick squeeze around in the morning
to ensure that
everything has been done closed or
properly cleaned
tidied and just to keep an eye on it i
guess so spot checks right
basically yes okay okay sounds good
because that’s coming up next
in your next module i like that okay
thanks dna thanks for that that’s lovely
okay um so joanne is next up on my list
but she can’t talk so joanna’s saying
um setting targets
and retail targets has been
her best take um so maybe j and if you
type in the check box um
what about that has been your best take
is it that you never had
targets before and now you do if that is
the case
how did your staff react to that are
they enjoying it
um you know have they have they seen it
never had targets before
okay that’s interesting um and how have
they taken to the target setting
and now and and more if you don’t like
the word target remember we’ve used the
word goal setting
so if you feel that the word target
might scare your staff off
um goal setting is always a great word
um you know it makes people feel like
they’re working towards something
enjoying it and more motivated okay so
that is amazing
and i love that feedback jan because
there are
so many businesses out there that have
no targets for their staff they just go
for it
um and what what would be
interesting and we’re continuing it
good good so i was going to say
continuity consistency is very important
at this stage
so don’t take your foot off the pedal
when it comes to targets or goals
and what will be wonderful to see is
what changes do these goals or targets
bring about
in your team and about in your business
in the next two to three months because
initially when it’s new and and
interesting and fun everybody takes to
it beautifully
but it’s more important to see what
long term what happens when you’re
measuring these targets because remember
everything that you’re learning at the
is about putting it into practice but
keeping it consistent
not just on off on off on off on
off because that confuses staff it also
distracts them
and and they they also don’t really know
what’s going on one minute it’s like
this one minute it’s the next way
okay joann’s also saying they’re
motivating it with cash
and voucher prizes unbelievable good
good because remember
you need to find out what ticks what
is your staff’s motivator is it product
is it
vouchers is it a bit of extra cash and
throw that into the whole scheme of
to get them to buy into the goal setting
or the target setting a little bit
better so that’s awesome okay thanks
joanne and then larika
also can’t talk and laurica is saying
that the staff
huddle is her best but she also likes
the business analysis to see if my
business is on par
so larica just elaborate a little bit
more on that business analysis what are
you talking about there
um because we haven’t done that yet
that’s coming now unless you’re talking
the comparative exercise that you had to
were you comparing your prices to other
um spas is that what you’re talking
and um what did that do for you as a
i’m actually going to quickly unmute i’m
trying to get my baby to sleep
she’s not participating today sorry no
no no it’s fine
um so it’s actually that way
and to see okay so your product
percentage needs to be this your cost of
sales needs to be this just to
have something to measure it against
because it’s not always easy to know
okay this is my cost percentage but what
is it supposed to be in the industry
so that’s what i and where were you i
must say
um my yeah i’ve been quite on board and
because we’ve got i’m not doing all the
financials myself because we’ve got a
department that does that so um they
compile the whole um bnl report and then
send it to us as well but then we need
to make sure that
they are doing their job correctly um
i’ve always been yeah like my product
usage is always here around 10 11
and then also my cost always between
54 56 years in that area
and then also yeah we always our retail
percentage also as a business is always
around 30 percent
um seeing that we destinations for so
it’s good to know that what
what i’m doing is it’s on par with what
we are supposed to be doing so
i i quite like that to be able to
measure it again something
love it and then the staff huddles um
you said it was one
if you can continue to chat for a little
bit yes and
just how’s that change she’s quite
you know content at the moment um she’s
actually i’m your so
i’ve always it’s just bringing setting
the mood for the day it’s bringing them
together but
also giving them the um freedom to talk
if i can say if something’s bothering
them but it doesn’t um build up and
lead to an explosion later on
but to just keep up that open
and getting everything through to them
and just
ensuring that there’s a good workflow
throughout the day
but that sets the mood and they like on
the 24th they’re like and we do the
oh that’s wonderful so they were they
were looking quite forward to it
so you know it’s it’s it’s good okay
thank you laurika thanks for that that’s
wonderful pleasure
brilliant um lisa i see that you’re with
can you unmute and we basically because
i saw you joined a tiny bit late
is we just giving our best two of
your whole your your best two of
everything that you’ve had so far
in the duration of this course and this
hello hello
sorry i i was a bit stuck somewhere and
now i’m in the car
going straight yeah
so sure i just feel
i mean you know you and i have had some
personal conversations as well
um that it’s it’s
just shifted me into a space of really
um the focus and
the results i mean the results are
speaking for themselves in the scenes
of implement you know implementing i
mean the huddles the targets
the check-ins um
in terms of revenue what we’ve done um
in terms of what we’re doing from our
side you know
marketing um pushing the girls
and sort of like how many new clients
you got to meet nicole mentioned the
other day
just in one month how many new clients
you got um
so going from a place where i was and
i’ve mentioned before in
one of the other meetings where i was in
a very i couldn’t see the light when we
it was very dull and how we’re going to
get out of this
we’re you know we’re just being knocked
left right and center
and now i see lights and i i go to work
and i it’s just given me new
in a new direction shift movement
and to get up and go and we can do this
um and as you know you’ve you’ve been
just everything to us and and to me and
inspiration and just pushing me
we have didn’t want to be pushed but but
facing it and
and we’re not alone that has been the
biggest thing is really having this
and um and putting that forward on to
the girls i mean you know you met our
team the other day the full team
and just seeing the lights in their eyes
and what it’s brought to them and the
excitement and i first pumped it
just pumped audrey yesterday because
she’s like i just made that sale
absolutely lux i did this i did that i
was like girl you go
so i mean the salaries were i mean for
us to have paid salaries
and um rings and everything it was on
friday where we
was this the right day so i think it was
yeah it’s as a stack
it’s just like phenomenal and it’s uh
you know if we didn’t have this
i don’t i don’t feel it we would have
there to be honest oh okay good thank
you that’s what this is there for okay
that’s what this is there for so
you keep going i’m very proud of all of
you um
especially i love what marily calls you
she’s gonna have a chance to talk now in
a minute but the tripod
that was my best message i got yesterday
nicole speaks for the tripod loved it
um but you have really
taken it very seriously and implemented
absolutely everything possible
and you are seeing the results so well
done good
okay so let’s move on thanks lisa
um who’s next on my list laniel you next
from chicago
good morning hello oh
you love you oh look
the sea i would take yours marisa i
would take yours
so my best was uh the
identifying your style of management it
was a huge eye-opener for me
and definitely made me realize what i
wanted to be versus what i am
um so that was a huge eye-opener for me
and then the other one i really loved
was the praise sandwich
because one of the most uncomfortable
things for me is to call someone out
on a behavioral issue so you know
sandwiching it between two
nice things is was a lot more palatable
for me to deliver so i did like that a
lot the praise damage
brilliant thank you thanks so nice are
you running are you busy doing your run
well i’m gonna drop the kid as a school
and then i’m gonna listen to the rest of
our presentation and then i’m gonna
run well little ones in class and then
pick her up
she only goes for two hours brilliant
the beauty of zoom can you believe it
i’m at the sea
i know betting ding you dropping kids at
school i mean i love it
it’s brilliant a lot makes things doable
for sure i know
i know it’s amazing well thanks for that
lineal thank you
thanks marisa okay next
up on my list murray i don’t think you
can talk if i’m not mistaken sitting at
reception okay so merrily saying the
is the huddles and staff encouragement
with wellness and targets
oh lovely thank you for that and thank
for your creative messages
like there’s always thought going into
it the tripod
and once i’ll never forget that message
that you posted that said
when you were introducing yourself you
said you had 310
or however many children which are your
flowers to look after
i loved it so brilliant um nicole
are you able to unmute and chat
the other tripod leg
i am let’s hear from you our numbers
lady let’s hear
you talk about marilyn her plants well i
tell you she went on leave for a week
and a half and i was myself
so worried these plants are gonna die i
would never have taken that
responsibility on and i’m game for
anything but not i would have hired in
help for that
sorry but not happening well let me tell
i am they all started growing they’ve
all sprouted new leaves
i can’t be good that means they like you
son good sir exactly exactly
okay so tell us about your journey
yeah so look we haven’t um we haven’t
fully completed the module three yet
we’re still in the process of doing it
um i’m actually busy with
financial year end which is hours
ends in may so i’m still in the middle
of all of that with the accountant so
i’ve been a little bit
uh overwhelmed but um
yeah no it’s uh we did a bit of work
this morning actually we got together
and we
we chatted about things and it’s just
quite interesting for the
ladies and we did that whole and
financial analysis
um i’ve always done the comparisons with
the stock and all that kind of stuff and
you know those are the the givens
um but the one thing i’ve never really
done is is the comparison
to to gross income with your rental and
utilities and things like that and i i
must say because you’ve got those five
different examples or six examples there
so you got your stock your retail i mean
your professional retail and all that
but your rent
and um yeah we spot on with everything
in actual fact which was which was quite
nice to see
um yeah because i mean it’s it was nice
for me to see because we’ve been i’ve
been doing
quite a lot of work and trying to
minimize as much as we can everywhere
and everywhere we’re going so yeah that
that’s a positive
um look beforehand i mean i knew we were
i know we we were making a profit uh bc
before covered um
and uh and now the nice thing is you
could we are growing i mean every
every month is just getting better and
better and better as we’re going and it
goes hand in hand with with all the work
we did with the staff and are continuing
to do
um i mean their numbers have just
climbed exponentially
they went from from reduced i mean we’ve
still got them unreduced and they’re
working half the amount of days
we’re calling them in more now as as
they’re going along
and they’ve gone from from earning
reduced salaries
to earning more than than there were
with their full salaries
now this time yeah so
and it’s just that’s just what they then
next days um obviously and on a reduced
daily rate
you know we we did up the the percentage
slightly for the
but um they are putting a
huge effort in um i’ve never seen these
goals work
as hard and be as motivated and
dedicated ever
in the 10 years that we’ve been that
we’ve been operating
that’s bad um and you know the yeah the
the funny thing is i think they also
realize because we with the meetings and
everything in in the last
we we were very stern with them and um i
actually shed a couple of tears in the
one meeting because i
you know we were on the brink i mean we
had one more month left
financially and we were on the brink of
closing doors
and we we actually said to them listen
this is it you know you either make a
plan because there’s only so much we can
do for you people
you know if you’re not prepared to be a
part of the team
and i actually think that that changed
their whole thought pattern as well
and then you and we also we know that
they they operate i mean they love
they love cash don’t give them product
incentive don’t give them voucher or
dinner or whatever they look at you and
they want cash and they want cash in
their pockets
and um so before we even started the
module i actually had this idea of
incentivizing them to
to up their spirits and so on and cash
incentives and we’ve done that every day
on a daily basis and the other day
they’re all
cashed in their the the claims and they
all got 500 grand in their pockets and
they’re as happy as larry and they’re
going going going
and um yeah and and they they’ve just
had a
huge transformation and it’s just
changed the entire energy in
the salon as well you know perfect oh my
gosh i love
it love it yeah it’s it’s been been
great so i think in in terms of
implementation that’s that’s that part
has had the
biggest impact you know so far uh
in in the and we are really trying to to
implement everything
and uh yeah it’s it’s making a world of
right it really really is and we we’re
growing i mean we we
might even have the opportunity of
opening a third branch
now as well yeah and i was told about a
fourth branch today as well
my weird i guess so so slowly
slowly but um you know from from four
months ago
where it was oh my god we’re going to
close our doors after 10 years of
everything going on
there’s hope and there’s lights and
there’s a bigger picture which is which
is finally presenting itself it’s
it’s wonderful really really good oh
well done nicole
thanks for that and i just want to say
to to the three of you
that all these changes that are
happening it’s not
only that your your staff have bought
into what you’ve said
it’s that remember i keep saying to you
anything that happens in your business
comes from the top
so if they see that the three of you are
motivated dedicated
you are totally committed to this they
see and change they see in commitment
everything they’re going to buy into it
there’s no doubt about it and that’s
exactly what’s happened so
you three have got a lot to yes your
team has done well
but it’s come from all the efforts and
dedication and the obsession i’ve got
the most amazing video clip to show you
just now about being obsessed about your
business and that’s what the three of
you have done so well done
good thank you thank you okay
pleasure vanessa are you able to unmute
and chat
yes i can hello everyone
yeah i think um for me one of the the
biggest things and and i’m one of the
errant students because i actually
haven’t even started on module 3 yet i
i did open the workbook today to just
show willing
um but i haven’t done anything on it yet
but one of the biggest things for me to
bring in
um and as some people may or may not
remember is that we
only bought our salon as a going concern
on the 1st of february
and then hit lockdown so life was pretty
hectic but it’s allowed us to
kind of regroup and rethink things which
i think has been very valuable
and coming back in just with regards to
um targets and goal setting for the
staff is that
my staff had never had targets set for
them before
and if they had been told
that you need to do this much so this
this amount of service or this amount of
and if you do it you know i’ll give you
uh something at the end of it
if they were offered an incentive it was
never quantified
um and when the time came it was never
which is devastating for staff to to be
asked to do something for them to make
the effort and then realize that the
effort is not rewarded at the end of it
um so for me i’m having to i’m having to
work with
changing big mindsets that i’m not the
previous owner
i am the new owner and i do things
um so what i ask them all to do
following on some of the coaching that
we’ve had is i’ve asked them to set
own targets what do you think you can do
in a month and what what is your carrot
i actually sat
individually with each staff member and
i asked each of them
what would encourage you to try and
achieve that goal
is it money is it a voucher is it time
off is it whatever it was and
i’ve established that um for some it is
money it is simply cash in their pocket
because times are tough
but for others it’s a day off um for
others it is a gift voucher which is it
was really interesting for me
um so what we’ve done is that we’ve now
we’ve got little sort of mini
competitions that happen within
the salon um where they are challenged
meet or match their own target
and they receive whatever their
incentive benefit
which was um and it’s definitely
it’s slowly changing the mindset because
they’re realizing that if i say this is
the incentive
if they manage to reach the goal they
get the incentive um
i had my one staff member we’ve been
back three months
and i have encouraged them all to do the
ratio of their retail to services
and i’ve had one staff member who has
prepped that three months in a row um
so she got she got 500 round cash
interesting to see her response and
everybody else’s response was like
oh okay so this actually does happen
um and i think that’s that has been a
big deal for me
um and a huge plus in my favor
as this is how we’re going forward and
my word is is it’s worth something
um so that’s been a big thing for me and
and i think also just for me i don’t
do i don’t do formal huddles because
i don’t like the idea of um
i don’t know how to explain it because
we do huddles we probably do huddles
regularly but we don’t
i don’t do them the same way everyone
else seems to do them it’s very informal
it’s very casual
um it’s it’s done in our staff room on a
very casual
has everybody going everybody’s eating
their breakfast we have a little bit of
motivation or we have a little bit of a
training um this is our
product for the week and let’s talk
about this product and how can we
promote this product
um so we’re trying to do that sort of
thing so yeah there’s certainly
this huge amount of things that that
i’ve learned
actually i can’t even count anymore
because there’s so many things and
i just i feel the same way as some of
the others is that
during lockdown and coming out of
lockdown i actually wasn’t sure whether
we would even survive and whether we
were just going to throw our investment
down the drain
and since lockdown just with so many of
the coaching tips and just the
encouragement that we’ve received
um yeah we are seeing the light at the
end of the tunnel um
i don’t even want to say it but we we’re
very much in the managing phase and i’m
i’m pushing through into the emerging
phase because we’re bringing in new
brands we’re changing our offering
so yeah i’m i am i’m feeling excited um
and then just and i think the staff are
feeling that as well the staff are
that motivation and the encouragement
and that actually
we are we are going forward and just one
thing that
um sometimes we need to take time to
step back
and my booking system that i’m using
doesn’t allow
me to do bulk email newsletters so i’ve
had to
download upload import into mailchimp
which is what i’ve been doing
and the this month ready for september
going into october
when i reviewed my emails because we
started with a brand new system
on as we opened after lockdown i didn’t
i didn’t import all the database
previously because quite a lot of it was
we have had through our salon 800
clients in the last three months
when we looked at that and when i shared
that with the staff it was like
oh my word we we
we’re doing this we are doing this um
so yeah so that was very encouraging and
it was yeah that the frustration of a
a new booking system and the frustration
of corrupted databases and all those
kind of things has been offset by the
fact that
we we have a very nice database just in
the three
months since we’ve been back and and a
of them are new clients um also very
interesting for us
is that the one of my staff members said
to me yesterday she said you know what
since we’ve come back from lockdown
we’ve lost all the difficult clients
they’ve gone with the old owner
and we’ve got such a nice group of new
so yeah there’s lots of good that’s come
out of it so
um yeah thank you very much thank you
everybody for the support for the
words of encouragement for everybody’s
clevernesses and clever ideas
i’m just soaking them all up and putting
them into place thank you
brilliant vanessa i love that story well
and i promise you thank you your efforts
your hard work
your perseverance your commitment your
obsession it will pay off you just got
to stay the course
stay the course okay but i mean
thank you pleasure thank you i love that
story that’s amazing
okay super so let’s get going i haven’t
missed anybody else ever i don’t think
if i have please unmute and remind me
but i don’t think i have
okay i don’t want to do a quick recap of
what you’ve covered and if you haven’t
done module 3 yet
please don’t panic there’s a few of you
who haven’t you can
you’ve got access to it so just try and
play catch up as much as you can but you
the most important part of it
is your profit and loss is to understand
that there’s a very big difference
between revenue
and profit and to see whether your
is breaking even and running at a profit
or if you’re running at a loss also
um your promotions profit calculator
which is actually a treatment profit
calculator and a retail product
profit calculator is is a
very important tool to use so please
it doesn’t matter what the product house
tells you
is your profit you need to
use your own calculator punch in your
own numbers
put in your own recommended selling
price all your costs in there
and that sheet will spit out or tell you
what your profit is on that treatment
and if it is not a profitable treatment
well then you need to consider
whether you do want to keep it or even
implement it if it’s a new treatment for
that matter
okay so um financial forecasting also
is quite important and what’s great
about that
and i’d like to encourage you all to do
it is to forecast for six months
and then work off another sheet when you
do your actuals
and then come back and compare the two
look at what your
what you forecast versus what your
actual is
and see where are you on
par and where are you totally way off
because where you are way off
can tell a very important story
about what you need to be focusing on
so that was that um i love this quote
i’ll put it later on our group but it
says if you become obsessed
with your idea your purpose your goal
you will become equally addicted to the
of making it work and i have a lovely um
video clip i think it’s coming up a
little bit later on about obsession that
found and i’d like everybody to watch so
again your
um checklist you you you guys would know
this by now all of you
we want uh open energetic positive
um commitment to getting the work done
whether it’s now or a little bit later
try and get it done no not try get it
okay and eliminate the word i will try
from our vocabulary it’s very funny
because i
get caught up and busted myself on this
marisa yes can i can i just
quickly interject in editing your
for module four i removed
all the tries i could find out of this
out of the
use of the wedding thank you
you see i got busted again
yep see what happens so it’s a learning
curve for all of us
removing this word try and just saying
you will do it or you won’t do it
and things change okay once you stop
using that word
okay so here’s the video clip quickly
before we move on to what’s going to
happen in your next module
enjoy it everybody
very powerful
nice sound
sorry yes no sound
okay hold on
you may have to remove your earphone
plug in theresa
okay so that’s going to be a problem
because must i remove my earphones do
you think
sherbets i’m just in such a noisy
section okay i’m going to remove my
earphones let’s just try this
do something but i will tell you tonight
that the most powerful motivational
that i have ever heard came from people
who told me i couldn’t do something
okay hold on a sec guys i just want to
make sure you can all here can you all
yes yes you heard that yes we were
hearing it
if i mute myself because then i can mute
the sea just tell me if you can still
hear i’m going to mute myself okay
nice sound
no you’re going to have to keep your
sound on theresa
we could hear it when you took your
earphones out
speaker is supposed to never tell you or
that you heard
that a motivational speaker is never to
tell you
is that you can’t you can’t you’re not
supposed to tell people they can’t
there’s no way to encourage anybody tell
me can’t do something
but i will tell you tonight that the
powerful motivational speeches
that i have ever heard came from
people who told me i couldn’t do
you know why because when they told me i
couldn’t do it i was bound
you have chosen the wrong one to tell
they can’t do something because i
and this is real important
i can’t will fortune
will stop you will slow you down will
turn you around
and cause you to move backwards
if you let it but if you have the
proper mindset i
can’t will do nothing but
make you that more determined
to get to your goal
people don’t want to
exude that much passion in which it
becomes obsession because they’re
fearful of their obsessions
well if i’m obsessed about this topic
it’s going to take away from my family
from my time it’s going to introduce a
lot of
fear or unknowns to me so they back off
but i tell people all the time
there is a difference between passion
and obsession and high performers have
obsession about the topic
right they are obsessed about the topic
in which they’re trying to learn
master or grow into and so that
obsession is real i tell people
the difference here’s how you know the
difference between the two when you’re
everybody cheers you on they’re stoked
for you
oh you found your passion awesome follow
your passion
live with passion be passionate when
you’re obsessed they’re like
i’m gonna be so crazy why can’t you be
why do you always gotta get things so
perfect why do you spend so much time
when you’re obsessed people think you’re
nuts so it’s different and it’s like i
was telling people if no one thinks
you’re crazy
you’re not yet operating to the outer
limits of your potential
you’re not there yet if you want to be
great not good
not also grand
not second not third if you want to be
the very best at what you do
obsession is the necessity
you must be you know two ways about
obsession nobody got to be the best at
anything i don’t care if you flip
you swing porches you wash dishes you
tables if you’re the very best at it
you are obsessed about it and obsessed
about it means you
slept and you dreamed and you ate that
i will be the very best
at what i do i’m determined
to be the very best at what i am
and you and you nobody can tell me
that i can’t do it because i am obsessed
somebody in your life should say you
really care about this
crazy and when you get there you know
you found your thing
not every fine not everybody finds that
question the impossible
the greatest achievements of mankind
christopher columbus the world is flat
praise the world is flat
and at that time he’s accepted by
to be true question
to sit i think i can do it
i think i can do it
anyone out there he preceded
to do just that
not me not i you have chosen the wrong
one to tell something like that too
i will show you i will
show you what i can do
i will show you i will turn your
i can’t i will never i
won’t it’s impossible i will turn it
and i will show you that i can do
anything anything
that is my message to you
let the eye can’t feel your fire
let’s just see if you can hear me
can you all hear me back oopsie
okay super i mean how unbelievable
what’s that
video clip it gave me huge goosebumps
um about
you know that some people think
obsession is not okay but it’s actually
a very necessary part of our lives and
what i took from that video clip that
obsession is very different to addiction
so yeah i hope you enjoyed it
okay so um you all know by now your
group one
something very very important a new
change um that has happened
is any questions that you may have or
that another learner
may have we would like you please to
post them
in our private facebook facebook
group because that way everybody else
can learn
from the answers that are given there um
so if you can all please just i will
remind you when there’s a query
um i think there is another query today
from one of the
learners called nikolai so what will be
what is wonderful is that if everybody
else can chip in and help answer
before we do and it’s just so much nicer
to get a difference of opinions and just
all the time what i have to say about it
okay so i will still always give my
opinion and what i think
and and give some guidelines and but i
am trying to field
all queries please everybody so instead
of sending them to us
privately onto that facebook group and
then if you’re not
um on there please please get on there
it’s very very important because we’d
like to grow
that um the the communication
in that group to be one of support and
help to each other
okay all right so
um you’re about to embark on module 4
is the most
i don’t know what to call it but you get
so many tools here
and i think that’s what’s so exciting
about this
uh yesterday and the spg members lounge
correct okay so that is our private
nobody else has access to it only our
and we’d like questions to be fed there
instead of at the whatsapp group okay
the whatsapp group is a little bit more
light-hearted fun for video clips and
things like that we want to keep that
facebook group
for more can anybody help me with an
example of this kind of question or does
anybody know this or
you know those kind of things okay so
um every tool here is important
but there is one that i am most excited
and that i want to encourage every
single one of you here
to implement if there’s one thing that
you do
obviously i’d like you to do all of us
but the daily
business analysis will absolutely
change your life it will change
how you run your business it will change
how you look at your business
it will change everything actually so
when you go through
your workbook i did a little interview
with um francisco who is in our
as a member and his experience
with this tool he learnt it
many years ago when i introduced him to
it when his
first management role in mount grace and
i think 10 or 12 or 15 years later
he takes that tool with him to every
single spa
that he may go to whether it’s on a
consulting role or as a management role
and he doesn’t let go of that too and
there has to be a reason for that
and i did a little interview with him so
that you could understand
his challenges when it came to
implementing this
this tool and again it’s about
consistency and perseverance
but if there’s one tool that i can tell
has to be a part of running your
business it is this
tool and it’s when it comes down to the
management checklists
in fact it’s it’s the first
item on the manager’s checklist that
i’ve given you
because that’s that important okay
that sets the tone for your huddle
meeting before your huddle meeting
i’ve even said before you have a cup of
coffee so you should
walk in get to your desk fill in your
daily business analysis in initially it
might take you
30 minutes it might take you 45 minutes
eventually it’s going to take you 15
maximum 15 minutes to get this document
and it will set the tone for you
as an owner manager for the whole day
it’s looking at a summary of your
but the difference is it’s doing it
giving you very important feedback daily
so i’d like to hear back from you please
um when you’ve implemented it what it’s
done for you
post it on our community group so
everybody else can see as well okay
we’ve got um a section there on making
effective use of your brand partners
um the marketing planner template is a
of a document i’m telling you now but
you need it
so tackle it as best you can
and um it will you know the more
prepared you are in your business
the less running around putting out
chicken without a head you’re going to
feel okay so what we’re doing here
is i’m not trying to overwhelm you i’m
trying to
set you up with the tools that you need
so that you can
manage your business not work in it
okay i want you to be able to manage it
all right so there’s your um deadline
okay so um
there’s six chapters here the first
chapter is obviously that daily business
analysis you’ve got an entire week for
your this module will become available
on monday okay so we um
shiny’s just busy on the back end
uploading everything because we’re
trying to get it
um live and not as a dropbox kind of
thing so we’re just busy finalizing all
of that
um but your your first task is your
daily business analysis so i’ll
explain to you what it is about how it
works and then it’s a
it’s an excel spreadsheet that you
download and you complete
then you’ve got two more checklists that
we are issuing you with a manager’s
checklist and a front desk checklist
remember all of these checklists you are
to add
and adapt to your own business so if you
don’t have air conditioners on
you will remove switch on the air cons
if you don’t do waxing you will remove
switch on the wax spots
and so on and so on so adapt it to your
own business
and then the other big one is this
chapter three which is your marketing
so we are going to come to it again so
that’s why i’ve given it to you quite
early on
in the marketing and sales section
module we’re going to refer back to this
so really your goal is to make sure that
it is
definitely completed by the time we get
to the marketing and sales module
um and then you’ve got a couple more
they’re really lovely ones the next one
is um chapter four is
on how to make better use or how to get
the most out of your brand partners and
the next one is um about
effective bookings so this is more
of a a chapter that
you will implement with your front desk
or receptionist or reservationist
person very interesting exercise we’re
going to give you there
which shows you how much white spaces we
in our bookings calen in our booking
and how that equates to big revenue at
the end of the month
and how you can eliminate that kind of
white space so we give you guidelines on
doing that
and then the kpi document which is very
very very
important as well okay so the
competition that we’re running for this
is again the most active on social media
and we also want to see the most
marketing calendar so whether that
marketing calendar comes up now
or it comes out in a month or two time
it doesn’t matter
but i want to be able to see out of
group one when all the marketing
calendars are in
who has come up with the most creative
marketing calendar
and that is your competitions for this
specific module
please everybody don’t let off the
social media
don’t let off promoting encouraging
colleagues in the industry
like-minded professionals to join the
community because that is how we are
to grow all of us together that is how
we’re going to
make our pool of information bigger the
more people we have on this community
okay so um you’ve got your save the date
so today we’re busy with module four
your module five will start on the fifth
of november and module six will start on
10th of december please everybody i’m
giving you the dates
long in advance so that you’ve got
everything that you’re pretty organized
and then our next group coaching session
will take place on the 8th of october
okay so and they all die arrives there
for you
till the end of the year so that you
know exactly when we are meeting
don’t forget please that you are allowed
to invite
one industry colleague and we ask that
it’s a different person not always the
same person
to the coaching sessions if they’d like
to see what the community is about
and let us know who they are so that we
can send them
a coupon so that they can join that
specific coaching session
and they don’t have to charge and they
don’t have to pay for it
and then obviously last but not least
the message as usual just with a
different picture different little
analogy today is to remember to stay
stay obsessed about your businesses
about your lives about the community
about growth and about your lives in
okay so everybody does anybody have any
to ask um at this point in time if you
do please unmute and ask
if you don’t in the meantime if anybody
is going to unmute
can you please we’ll go into the chat
box and just
type how you feeling um your checkout
word for today
yeah let us know what’s on your mind oh
i love it
this word is going to become our word
for all of us
i think it might become our community’s
let’s see what happens with this word
obsessed so larica
is obsessed beautiful shiny is inspired
lovely love that
anybody else come everybody give us your
checkout words if you have any questions
lisa thanks so much angel consistency
love it love it these words consistency
excellent obsessed and determined from
beautiful excellent
lisa well done with that consistency
word because that is
so key joanne love what you do
i love all of you because you all
inspire me to do what i do so
thank you encouraged hopeful vanessa
stay the course
stay obsessed promise you you’re gonna
have a different story to tell in a
couple of
months time very different story and
it’s going to be a beautiful one
never say die never nicole never never
you whoever says that to you you tell
them to phone me and i’ll sort them out
i look forward to that so do i vanessa
because your story is going to be
amazing watch watch
okay everyone enjoy
and also to always stay mindful for sure
definitely so my one last little show
off of my sea view here
look everybody there’s my beach the
weather is absolutely revolting
it is freezing i’m here in this very
warm jersey
but it doesn’t matter
i will i’ll enjoy the beach from my
units because it’s freezing
okay everybody thank you so much or
stay obsessed murray go for a swim are
you crazy
and freeze it’s freezing
do it volley
enjoy your different environments that’s
funny you deserve the rest okay everyone
cheers everyone stay obsessed stay
see you soon bye bye
bye thank you everyone



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