Spa Professionals Guild

This simple word will double your retail ratio ☺️



How is the “WISH” question working out for you?

Do you all remember what the “wish” question is? And where, when and how to use it?

If you’re new to our community and this newsletter you’re probably wondering what the “wish” question is..

Let me tell you a story about two therapists who have boosted their retail revenue by using this simple word in their product recommendations to clients.

Our first therapist is Olivia. She has always felt that recommending products to clients feels pushy, and thus, she has always shied away from it. Olivia attended training with me, where she mastered a new sales skill. She LOVED the sound of this new “method” so much, and started putting it into practice with her clients immediately. After Day one she contacted me to say that she had recommended products to her clients using the “WISH” word, along with the technique she was taught. The result – she sold eighteen products in one day! She was blown away by her new discovery. I checked in on her three weeks later and was not surprised to learn that she had boosted her personal retail sales by 40%. To say this has been life changing for Olivia is an understatement. She is on FIRE with motivation and success!

Our second therapist is Maggie, who has always had a good retail ratio of around 20%. I knew Maggie could do 50% easily and suggested she attend my retail training to master the “WISH” question and product recommendation technique. I’m sure you can guess the happy ending of Maggie’s story? She DOUBLED her ratio to 40% in just two weeks!



How does the word “WISH” make you feel when you hear it?  Dreamy right? When you think about your wishes they make you feel warm and fuzzy and dreamy! This word has so much power because it has the ability to make your clients open up to you as they have now been asked a question that is not the norm when it comes to a salon/spa visit.

The timing of the question is of the essence, and the outcome is also determined by how naturally and honestly you ask the question.

Let’s set the scene and expand on timing. The question must be posed during the pre-treatment consultation, before the client is situated for her treatment. It’s very important that it’s done in a “consultation” setting. Seated across from each other would be ideal or, client could be seated in the treatment area or on the bed, but not in the treatment “position” yet (lying down for a facial, massage, laser etc). The question should be the last thing you ask before the treatment commences. This is how you phrase it: “Mrs. Xxxx (say your clients last name), if you had one wish granted to you to change anything about your skin what would it be?

Get ready to hear EXACTLY what your client WANTS. With this question they will give you their most detailed wishes for their skin, and this is the most powerful information you will get for making your retail sale after the treatment.

Our technique does not end with the question though…. There is a very specific process we follow at the end of the treatment which connects to the wish question and really seals the deal. The best part of this is that, as a therapist, you know you are giving your client exactly what she/he WANTS because they told you themselves. The entire process is far too long to detail in one newsletter but is of course part of our life changing training.

We are excited to announce a new short course for beauty therapists, nail technicians and hair stylists that will launch in February. It’s called “DOUBLE YOUR DIGITS, DOUBLE YOUR EARNINGS” and is based on a system that not only works, but is proven to ensure you boost your retail revenue and of course, in turn, your earnings. Send us an email here if this is something of interest to you, your team, or anyone else you know that would benefit. We will send you investment and enrollment information.

Keep consistent and stay relentless and the results will come!


Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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