Spa Professionals Guild

Who is the relationship with? Therapist or the business????



Hello There,

This is tricky because without our therapists we have no business and let’s face it, staff come and go. So, think carefully about the structure of your business and always ensure that the relationship lies first with the business and then with the therapist.

If I can compare this to buying goods from a local retailer such as Woolworths, Tesco or Target.  When you buy an item from them, who is the relationship with? It is with the store, not with the salesperson who assisted you, right? So, let’s learn from this. It does not mean we are giving the therapists any less of a role to play in the business but ultimately you need to protect your brand and maintain exceptional relationships with every single customer.

So how do you do this in an industry where close relationships are formed with the therapist?

Herewith a few tips:

  1. Promote trying new therapists on a continuous basis.

Instill an inclusive culture from the start. Instead of asking which therapist your customer would like, offer different therapists by name and always commend their work. For example:  Mrs Smith, may I book your massage with Marisa today, you haven’t had a treatment with her before and she has a heavenly touch. I know you will love her treatment. Another example is, when someone asks who your best nail technician or best facialist is, say this: our entire team is trained and operates at the same high standard, may I choose for you today?  It’s all in the words remember.

  1. Stay connected to your clients.

Here’s a question for you:  how often do you set aside dedicated time to pick up the phone and call your clients? Yes, speak to them, perhaps even away from the salon to simply ask how they are? Are you connected to your clients on social media? Do you interact with them on social media? Like a friend would? When you are physically in your salon or spa, do you speak to all the clients who are there? Do you make a point of meeting the new guests and touch base with the existing ones. Only by doing this, and doing it daily, will you keep the relationship with the business!

  1. Always promote what the business does to help.Let me give you a few examples here. Firstly, you must always mention the salon or spa by name in your communication, be it on email, social media or messaging.  “SPA XXXX” is committed to reducing our carbon footprint so we will be installing a water recycling system from next month.  Or, today at “SPA XXX” we honour our spa coordinator! Meet xxxx who ensures our spa runs efficiently and effectively. So, whatever the message is, it must revolve around the spa and the business name must be mentioned in every caption.

One last little reminder, with everything you do in the business, always be questioning how your activities maintain the relationship with your clients!

Till next week!

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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