Spa Professionals Guild

Having FUN at work can boost revenue!????



Hello There, ,

All work and no play is definitely not the way to go to maximise productivity.  Studies over the last twenty years have proven that when employees have fun at work they are generally happier and when they are happier they are more productive.

Think about it, when you’re feeling happy you have more energy, right?  You are less stressed and anxious, you are motivated and eager and you feel like you want to get things done right?  Well at work it is no different.  Having fun helps to manage your team’s emotions, it builds trust and also creates a healthy competitive culture in the workplace.  Don’t forget, we are social creatures who want to feel loved and needed and introducing elements of fun into the day to day running of the business can directly impact your revenue.

So here are 5 ideas to introduce at your salon/spa that are easy to do and will result in a happier day with increased revenue. Put it to the test and let me know how it goes!

  1. Fun Friday.  Every Friday a different staff member gets to choose what happens on the following Friday. JUST FOR FUN. Everyone must take part and you can compete for a winner each week. Take it a step further and maybe at the end of a three month period the person with the most wins gets a small prize.  This can be anything from wearing red lips and pigtails to singing a chorus of a well known song of your choice or even something simple, such as dress in your favorite colour. Small inexpensive challenges every Friday, or any other suitable day of the week, is a great way to get the team laughing and also get their creativity flowing.
  2. Once a month, cook off.  Everyone loves this.  Again, the idea is not to spend fortunes of money but rather to get creative. So, everyone would cook a small dish of something, just one item. It could be potatoes or a specific salad or a dessert. Anything! Then, everyone gets to taste each dish and vote for the best. This not only feeds everyone, but also gets a lot of laughs and happy hormones flowing!
  3. Secret letter! This is really motivating and a solid team building exercise which is absolutely free! This can also be done once a month. Everyone picks a name out of a hat and then writes an anonymous letter to that person. It should include what they love about them and why they are such a brilliant part of the team. The letter may only be uplifting and positive.
  4. Pass the parcel. FUN FUN FUN! You can get your brand partners involved in this once a month. Wrap a product up in multiple layers of wrapping. Get creative here and use different types of materials such as newspaper, toilet paper, baking paper and not just gift wrap. Then, get that music going and pass the parcel around. When the music stops one layer comes off.  The winner is the person left with an unwrapped product in their hand.  The music must be loud dance music, as this gets the blood flowing and endorphins released.
  5. Treatment Trivial Pursuit.  This will take a little time to set up but once you have it done it can be used over and over again and actually form part of training. Your team will have fun and be learning at the same time. So, draw up a list of questions about treatments and products and get into detail with ingredients etc to ensure you are pushing the learning boundaries. Each person chooses a question out of a hat and gets the opportunity to answer.  If you have time for two rounds of questions, even better. The person with the most correct answered questions wins a small prize.

Hope you enjoy these 5 easy ideas on how to have FUN at work! Please don’t be shy and share your feedback of how these turned out for you!
I can’t wait to hear!

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Till next week,


Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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