Spa Professionals Guild



2022 Video Cover - square (12)

We’ve reached the THIRD, most common mistake Managers/Directors make in their spa/salon/aesthetic or wellness businesses. This time around we headed off to the UK to interview Steve Ewing, Spa Director at Mottram Hall, Cheshire. This spa is part of the Champneys Spa Group with 6 elegant and exquisite countryside locations. 

There can be no price attached to the value we are getting from the conversations we are having with the world’s leading Spa Directors, saving us time and money as we learn from their mistakes and get it right from the word GO!
We are really fortunate to have this support structure of information from mentors to guide us through the transformed business world we find ourselves in.
Interestingly, Steve’s mistake also revolves around staff. Well, actually it revolves around REVENUE as well, which we all know is critical to our businesses.  As I was listening to Steve share the mistake, I could immediately relate to what he was saying. The reason I’m saying that is because I’m working with three spa groups right now where we are implementing this exact transformation in management and we’re already seeing dramatic results.
Click on the video below to listen to the interview with Steve. It will be 20 minutes very well spent. He offers great insights and tips for avoiding or correcting this problem in your business.

Question – Who comes first in your business model, client or therapist/staff?  Briefly explain why

“This is an interesting point and I suppose it is a bit like when people talk about the chicken and the egg… it’s a circle but I don’t think it has to be exclusively one or the other.  I think having that ‘people focused’ culture means that you are always focusing on everyone.  I have had times where I have done things for my team where I did have to choose what was best for them over what a client wanted but I believe that by putting their needs first they then feel a responsibility to put everything into their clients because I put everything into them.”

Question – Is training time scheduled around client bookings or vice versa?  Briefly explain why

“Our induction is a non-negotiable 4 days and in terms of other therapist training; it can be allocated without interfering with demand.  I do block out time in our treatment diary but I suppose we are so focused on having treatment availability that it allows us to understand when we can train and when we can’t.  Training is part of reward and recognition for the team so it is important and will result in better service, better upsell and ultimately more return business. I also do
lots of things for therapists after we shut for treatments, and again, the team is engaged enough to want to stay and participate.  In the wider spa we close early on a Sunday at 8pm so again have done things on Sunday evenings.  In any spa there is time, it’s just a case of making it work for you.”

Question – What is your favorite staff wellness initiative with Champneys group and why?

“Hard to pick, we do lots of celebratory events and initiatives but my favorite one was last year I organized a ‘Looking after yourself’ workshop for our spa therapists.  We had some food after work and then invited a former therapist who is now retired who did meditation / grounding and showed the therapists some exercises that can be done during shift and after work to release tension; empowering them so they make the right choices to prolong their career in what is a physically demanding job.” 

How awesome!!!!
Next week, look out for the gifted SOP that Steve so kindly wrote as a reminder and step by step on how to create a people-focused culture.  Another valuable tool to add to your toolbox.
Speaking of STAFF, have you completed the STAFF MODULE in our Transformational Training Course?
This module will give you the tools you need to set you up for success in managing your team effectively for maximum output.  Look at everything we cover in the module:

  • 7 Steps to a dynamic team
  • Staff Huddles
  • Staff meetings everyone wants to attend
  • Setting targets
  • Therapist Opening & Closing Checklists
  • Personality profiling & team summary
  • Effective communication
  • Praise sandwich
  • 4-square questioning technique
  • Delegation
  • Managing conflicts and complaints
  • Importance of planning your daily revenue *
  • Therapist 5-point growth plan
  • The value of your hour
  • Mindset shift 101
Whew!!! That’s a lot, right!?  Yes, it is.
We have built a “done-for-you-business-management-in-a-box” that will literally save you years of planning and relieve an enormous amount of stress. A massive benefit of joining the Spa Professionals Guild is that you will no longer be alone and expected to figure out how to run your business by yourself. We have built a community of like-minded professionals, securely rooted in a growth mindset and the support and continuous learning is beyond what you will expect. Take a look at one of our member testimonials below.


Register for our Business Management course HERE 
Want to know more or simply need help in your business?  I am gifting the first 10 spa/salon owners to email me back a FREE discovery call valued at $500!!!!
There are only 10 FREE spots, so email back RIGHT NOW!
Explain your biggest business challenge in the email and let’s hope you are one of the first 10!!! 

Until next week!

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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