Spa Professionals Guild



We have reached the FOURTH most common mistake Managers/Directors make in their spa/salon/aesthetic or wellness businesses.  This time we’re headed to Dubai to interview Karen Letsch Koetzee, Spa Director at Raffles, The Palm, Dubai.
Are you enjoying this series on “Mistakes Managers Make?  If yes, please quickly click on THIS LINK and send us a one liner sharing what you love about it.
Interestingly Karen said she did not want to call hers a mistake but rather “a lesson learnt” which I LOVE!!  Mistakes are after all the only way we can learn a lesson and not repeat it.  I thought Karen’s lesson learnt was very interesting and also unexpected for me.  AGAIN, it revolves around staff, which leads me to the conclusion that staff in our businesses is the topic that needs to take priority right now, and really… they are the lifeline of our businesses and as such the topic needs to be the focus.
I would like to ask you a few questions before you view the recorded interview.  Answer the questions to yourself first and then listen to her interview. Then I would like you to write down where you believe you can change as a leader or manager in your businesses.  Sound good?
Here goes:
  • Do you ever tell your staff stories about your private life?  So, your kids or a dinner you went to or a movie you went to see?  Or, do you keep your private life totally separate from your staff?
  • When you have made a mistake, have you openly told your staff about it and discussed why it was a mistake and how you could have done things differently for a different outcome?
  • Do you ask your staff for their advice or opinions on various things relating to the businesses?
  • Do you actively listen to each staff member on a daily basis?  Meaning do you have a one or two minute catch up where you actively listen to what they say and engage?
Okay, so now that you’ve answered the questions, Click on the image below to listen to the interview with Karen, it will be a few minutes of time very well spent with great insights into Karen’s biggest lesson learnt.
When you are done with the interview, please remember to go back to the 4 questions you answered and decide whether you should be doing things differently or if you are on track and spot on.
Next week, look out for the gifted SOP that Karen so kindly helped us write as a reminder on how to be authentic and show vulnerability with your team.  Another valuable tool to add to your toolbox.
Speaking of STAFF, have you completed the STAFF MODULE in our Transformational Training Course?  
This module will give you the tools you need to set you up for success in managing your team effectively for maximum output.  Look at everything we cover in the module:
  • 7 steps to a dynamic team
  • Staff Huddles
  • Staff Meetings everyone wants to attend
  • Setting Targets
  • Therapist Opening & Closing Checklists
  • Personality Profiling & Team Summary
  • Effective Communication
  • Praise Sandwich
  • 4 square questioning technique
  • Delegation
  • Managing Conflicts and Complaints
  • Importance of Planning your Daily Revenue
  • Therapist 5 point growth plan
  • The Value of your Hour
  • Mindset Shift 101

Whew!!! That’s a lot right!!!!  Yes it is, and that’s only 1 MODULE out of a total of 8 in the course!! Our Complete Business Management course will save you years and hours of figuring this out yourself. By joining the Spa Professionals Guild Community, you’re constantly evolving as the learning never stops. Beyond the course we host two live webinars per month, covering industry related issues.

Want to know more?  Reply to this email with any questions you may have.

Until next week!
Marisa xxx

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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