Spa Professionals Guild

Let’s Get Rid of This WORD!



Watch this video before diving in!

Did you say “I WILL TRY” ???
Lets talk about what that word “TRY” means.  The dictionary says the word try means an attempt or an effort to do something.  However let’s talk about the psychology of using that word.
Let me give you some scenarios.
A – Will you meet me for coffee tomorrow morning?
B – I will try get there 
A – Will you meet me for coffee tomorrow morning?
B – Yes definitely, what time?
What does the first scenario answer of “I will try get there” actually mean?  We all know it means person B will not go because the word try has allowed them to make an excuse as to why they cannot or did not make it to coffee.
TRY implies failure.
TRY allows for excuses as to why it is not done or achieved.
TRY is just an unnecessary word.
Either DO or DO NOT but please let’s banish and forbid this T word.  How about getting a “try jar” at the salon, and every time someone finds themselves saying I will try they first pay into the try jar and then they correct their statement.
I have always disliked this word and for the last few years have really made a concerted effort to avoid using it and even then I often find myself saying it without even realizing I have said it, what a shocker!  Best part is correcting myself or having our amazing Community members correct me and correct each other.  Why?  Because in our community we don’t try, WE JUST DO!
It doesn’t mean that once you stop using the word try you will always succeed, no not at all, but you will stop with the excuses that’s for sure and you will fight harder and give all you have to make it happen because you said you would do it.    You left no room for excuses.
A few more scenarios to really drive this point home.  Imagine you call a client to confirm their appointment and their response is, I will try get there by 2pm.  Wouldn’t you think, well ummmmmm no, you either are going to arrive for your appointment or you are not, there is NO TRY.
I am going to try and sell 10 retail products today.  No! I am going to sell 10 retail products today.  See how different the two statements sound? One is with conviction the other is with doubt.
Get rid of this word, DO OR DO NOT but don’t try.
Now let’s get DOING champions!
Before we forget, we have OUR BI-MONTHLY COACHING SESSION coming up on the 14th July that is NOT TO BE MISSED.  We are lucky to have Sharon Barcock, Director Spa & Fitness Operations & Development MEA at Hilton Worldwide with the topic: Raising the Bar.

To register for this session CLICK HERE

See you soon!
Marisa xxx

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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