Spa Professionals Guild

When was the Last Time You CALLED to Confirm a Treatment???



Watch this video before diving in!

Treatment confirmation phone calls ……………………. Can they boost revenue?

First, let’s talk about the reasons you should be calling clients to confirm their treatment bookings…

  1. Avoid a no show or client forgetting about the treatment
  2. Build relationships

A phone call is more personal and intimate than a message, so first choice is a physical conversation, not a long one but they should hear your voice.  A message will take second place as it’s better than nothing at all.

The best time to do confirmation calls is two days prior to treatment as you can still sell the space if for whatever reason the client has to cancel.  The day before leaves you with very little time to get that space filled.

And lastly, let’s look at how these simple phone calls can boost your revenue.

So here is the role play:

I am confirming that Isabela is having a pedicure on Thursday (exact date) at 9am

Hi Isabela, this is Marisa from Spa Professionals Guild, how are you today?

> I’m great thanks and you Marisa

I’m wonderful thank you, I will take just one minute of your time today to confirm that you are booked in for a pedicure on Thursday at 9am, is that correct?

> Yes it is.  I will be there.

Isabela while I have you on the phone, would you like us to include a foot peel with this pedicure since you haven’t had one in a while and also a gel polish?

> MMMMM, how much more time will I need for that, it sounds great I am just pushed for time.

We will need just 30 minutes more if you do the gel polish but no extra time for the foot peel.  Can you spare the 30 minutes as you know the gel polish will last much longer of course.  The extra cost is only 200

> I can do 30 minutes extra.  Perfect please confirm it, thank you so much.

We are so looking forward to spoiling you and giving you new feet on Thursday have the best day, BYE!

So a treatment that was valued at 400 was upsold to 600 with a simple phone call, a 50% upsell!!!!!  So just imagine if all your confirmation phone calls go like this one, do the math and you will be blown away.

A few DO’s and DON’Ts:


  • Call early morning or late afternoon when clients are doing school runs and arriving at work or home to start dinner
  • Draw out the conversation and get long winded
  • Be hesitant and not sure about what you are saying or asking your client
  • Whisper or talk softly


  • Have a clear upsell list for each phone call you are going to make, ie, PLAN PLAN PLAN
  • Know your prices
  • Be clear about what you are saying both for confirmation and upsell options
  • Call between 9am and 2pm in the day
  • Be short and sweet
  • Smile and be friendly and warm whilst speaking
  • Set yourself a target so you have a goal to reach
  • Follow a script or SOP if you are not confident
  • Role play with colleagues to get your dialogue perfect
  • Offer your client a solution to a problem when presenting the upsell
  • Offer your client upsell options not just one as everyone loves to choose

As usual we are always on a mission to equip you with tools to boost your revenue!  This is a powerful one so let’s get calling!

Until next week!
Marisa xxx


Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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