Spa Professionals Guild




We have reached the EIGHTH MISTAKE Managers/Directors make in their spa/salon/aesthetic or wellness businesses.  This time round we headed off to AUSTRALIA to interview  Lucille Ferreira, Independent Project Manager and Consultant.

There is a saying that I hear often, “been there, done that, got the t-shirt”. I’m sure you’ve heard it?  Well, no need for you to make the mistakes and get the experience, we are giving you the t-shirt!!!  This series of mistakes made and lessons learned can save you heaps of time and money, so tune in for the interviews and read the follow up emails with the important tools these professionals with decades of experience are sharing. This is exactly how you can grow and grow quicker without making the same mistakes that these managers had to learn from.

Lucille’s “mistake” is once again about STAFF!!  Lucille has over 20 years experience in the Industry and her experience casts a wide net. From owning her own salon, managing spas, education in the medispa field to expert sales knowledge. For her to be so passionate about her mistake means that it is a SUBSTANTIAL PROBLEM in the marketplace. Not a day goes by that I don’t speak to managers who complain about staffing issues.
We have a whole module focused on STAFF in our Business Management Training Course with many resources and templates to guide you, since there is such a major challenge in this one area of our beauty businesses. 

In preparation for the interview and to lead up to next weeks exciting tool we gift you, let me ask you a few questions.

  • Have you ever rolled out an incentive and your staff don’t respond how you expected. In fact, they just don’t get excited?
  • Do you know each of your staff members really well, as in their family life, friends, hobbies, likes, dislikes, favourite colour, personality type, etc?
  • Do you engage in meaningful conversation with your staff regularly?

No matter what you answered above you simply NEED to listen to Lucille’s interview! Click HERE

Next week Lucille is kindly putting together 7 Key Motivators with summaries for you to use when engaging with your team and aligning their motivators to your business needs.  Another valuable tool to add to your toolbox.

Have you seen the STAFF MODULE in our Transformational Business Management Training Course?

This module has everything you need when it comes to STAFF.

  • A positive attitude
  • Staff Huddle
  • Staff Meetings
  • Goal Setting
  • Customer Communication
  • Make Change a Positive Process
  • Staff Profiling
  • Communication: open and closed questioning
  • Active Listening
  • Positive Language
  • Praise Sandwich
  • 4 square questioning technique
  • Delegation
  • Managing Conflict & Complaints
  • Therapist Daily Revenue Planner
  • Therapist Opening & Closing Checklist
  • Mindset Shift

Whew!!! That’s a lot right??!!  Yes it is, and it’s just 1 MODULE out of a total of 8 in the course.  Save yourself years and hours of figuring this out on your own by joining the Spa Professionals Guild Community where your learning never stops.

Until next week!
Marisa xxx

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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