Spa Professionals Guild

To Train Or Not To Train ? READ THIS!


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Watch this video before diving in!

I’m tired of training and upskilling my staff just to have them leave.  So they should train and upskill in their own time. 

Happy to book training for my staff but if a client calls in for an appointment I will cancel the training as the booking comes first. 

Sound familiar????? 

So here comes something to think about, please keep an open mind! 

Imagine if you don’t train your staff and they stay forever?  
Imagine if the whole industry had the same attitude and didn’t invest in training and upskilling.  There would be no talent to hire right?
If the client booking comes first but that treatment is not performed to the best it can be, well, you stand the chance of losing that client anyway…. to a salon or therapist that is trained more regularly and more up to date with their knowledge and education. 

Jackie wanted to share something with you all after her interview last week and also gift you all with a great tool to use so you track the training and ensure everyones specific and individual needs are met.


  1. Your Therapists will not be updated about the latest Spa trends nor will they be kept abreast on any new products
  2. Your Therapists / staff will not be able to upsell as they won’t have the necessary skills to do so
  3. You will not be able to retain clients / guests as they may then seek treatments elsewhere with more knowledgeable staff
  4. Your treatments may not be the best quality due to the lack of staff training in various treatments & protocols 
  5. Your retail sales will decline due to staff not having the knowledge in order to promote & recommend them


  1. Your Therapists / Staff will be trained on the latest technology and have the most updated/latest information on spa products
  2. Your Therapists / Staff will gain more confidence in the product that they are selling as well as the treatment they are performing on guests
  3. The staff member will upsell treatments and increase Revenue for The Spa
  4. The staff member will offer a better quality treatment and therefore will be able to retain more guests & increase regular spend
  5. The staff member will feel more valued and feel that you have invested in their growth and knowledge 

Thank you Jackie for those valuable pointers that we certainly all can use! 

Download your training tracker tool below but make yourself a PROMISE before you do. 


Repeat after me:  I PROMISE TO IMPLEMENT THIS TRAINING TRACKER TOOL IMMEDIATELY and give myself a deadline of 5 days to have it up and running!!!! 

If you promise the above then off you go to download the tool.

I would love to hear your feedback about these newsletters, and so I prepared a short and sweet and little survey (click the word survey) so please take the time to complete it so I know in which direction to take these newsletters so you continue to get maximum benefit out of them.

We have an extra gift for you all! A coaching session hosted by yours truly on the 10th of November where we will get a heads up on 2023 and start discussing our marketing plans! Remember: failing to plan is planning to fail. So, click on the image below and register to attend. 

See you soon!
Marisa xxx

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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