Spa Professionals Guild

I’m writing like a madman. 🤪


newsletter covers

Not sure where to start but my neurons are firing at a thousand kilometers per hour with so much to share!

Let me start with the most exciting part, and that is… I’m finally writing a book! And you’re going to love it!!! Why am I so sure? Because it’s based on real-time, everyday experiences, offering practical solutions and innovative ideas!

I’m right there with you all running spa businesses every day so I can speak and coach from actual experience!

Writing on the move! At the airline lounge waiting to fly to Copenhagen and writing my book 📝

I hope your Father’s Day marketing is going strong. Remember, your target audience for Father’s Day is the ladies who are already your clients, making it an easy sell. All women want their men or dads to look good and feel healthy, so skincare and treatment vouchers are the BEST gift ever! You just need to create the need and offer the solution.

This last week leading up to Father’s Day, ramp up your efforts by boosting voucher value adds and implementing an internal gifting competition with your team. The team member who sells the most Father’s Day gifts will receive a dinner voucher or a service of their choice in the spa.

The more effort you put in, the more you will get out!!!One last thing before I leave you, I hope you’ve decided to join me on my new journey, my new obsession!!!! Do you remember what it is?

It’s about becoming unreasonable in our delivery to clients. Have you come up with any ideas yet???? My brain is working overtime as I write the ebook I promised, so please send in your ideas. Let’s all jump on this mission together.

See you soon! 

Marisa xx

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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