Spa Professionals Guild

How to easily make 30% more revenue


The POWER of using “Positive Language” in your business…

Hello industry professionals and friends.

If I said that you could INCREASE YOUR REVENUE BY AT LEAST 30% by focusing on using positive language in your business, would you implement the change immediately?
Of course you would! Would you truly believe me?

Consider what I may benefit by sharing an idea that won’t change your business? You guessed it…zero benefit to me, except losing a community member and that’s no upside. My passion is sharing what I’ve learnt over the past 25 years to see real growth within this industry which I love so muchNow that we’ve established my obsession with helping you boost your business, you’re in the right frame of mind to receive this:  POSITIVE LANGUAGE IS REAL AND IT WORKS WHEN APPLIED TO YOUR BUSINESS!!

Now remember, a 30% revenue boost doesn’t come with little or no effort. Similar to learning a new language or other skill, it has its challenges and will require work and dedication, but I promise, you will see the results in your revenue and staff morale.

The words you use are POWERFUL. They have the ability to make someone feel confident and happy or make someone feel afraid and inadequate.  How is this relevant to your business you may ask?  Very simple:  the words that every single staff member uses when interacting with clients and each other has the ability to build or break the business.

Let’s look at some classic examples and do a quick personal evaluation to see if you have ever heard yourself or a staff member speak to a client or colleague this way.

  1. Client:  Can you fix a broken nail please?
    Therapist or receptionist:  Unfortunately, we don’t offer nail services in our spa.
  2. Client:  Would it be possible to please get a quick wax with my facial today, I forgot to book, and I am desperate?
    Therapist:  Unfortunately, I am fully booked, but let me see if someone else can help you. OR, Unfortunately, I am fully booked but we can schedule you next week?
  3. Client:  How are you doing?
    Therapist/manager/receptionist:  We are surviving thanks, how are you?
  4. Client:  Do you stock xxxxxx (specific name) brand?
    Reception/manager/therapist:  No, unfortunately we don’t.
  5. Client:  Why are you charging a Covid surcharge?
    Therapist/manager/receptionist:  Unfortunately, we have to try and recover some of the PPE expenses and we can’t increase our stock and treatment prices.
  6. Client:  I would like to change this product; it is not working for me?
    Therapist:  Oh no, what a pity.  What would you like to exchange it for?

These are just 6 examples that I hear on a regular basis.  Before we look at how to use “positive language” with the same examples listed above, let’s take a moment to consider how the words could make someone feel.

According to the “Psych Central” blog, the words unfortunately, don’t, no, can’t and surviving (all used above) CAN CHANGE your brain and increase the activity in our amygdala (the frontal portion of the brain). This releases dozens of stress-producing hormones and neurotransmitters, which in turn interrupts our brains’ functioning. This is especially with regard to logic, reason, and language.  Basically those words instantly put off any potential sale or any possibility of building loyalty or rapport

So let’s now quickly look at the positive language, using the exact same examples. Please take note of how you feel when you read the positive responses.

  1. Client:  Can you fix a broken nail please?
    NEGATIVE:  Unfortunately, we don’t offer nail services in our spa.
    POSITIVE:  we will do our best to assist you.  Whilst our spa doesn’t offer nail services, we do keep some nail glue for emergencies and will definitely find a temporary solution for you. Would you like us to do a quick buff and paint on all your nails and perhaps a lovely exfoliation on your hands?
  2. Client:  Would it be possible to please get a quick wax with my facial today, I forgot to book, and I am desperate?
    NEGATIVE:  Unfortunately, I am fully booked, but let me see if someone else can help you.
    POSITIVE:  Of course yes, I am fully booked back to back, can I check which of my brilliant colleagues can help you?
  3. Client:  How are you keeping?
    NEGATIVE:  We are surviving thanks and, how are you?
    POSITIVE:  We are blessed with health and so happy to be working, how are you doing?
  4. Client:  Do you stock xxxxxx (specific name) brand?
    NEGATIVE:  No, we unfortunately don’t.
    POSITIVE:  We have a brand I know you will love, please allow me to introduce you to technology that will blow you away.
  5. Client:  Why are you charging a Covid surcharge?
    NEGATIVE:  Unfortunately, we have to try and recover some of the PPE expenses and we can’t increase our stock and treatment prices.
    POSITIVE:  Instead of increasing our prices like some other service providers have done in order to absorb these essential PPE costs, we decided to rather ask for help from our lovely clients with an “OPTIONAL” Covid care surcharge.
  6. Client:  I would like to change this product; it is not working for me?
    NEGATIVE:  Oh no, what a pity.  What would you like to exchange it for?
    POSITIVE: Wow, you are the first person to say that, I would love the opportunity to find out what is not working for you please.  And of course, we will happily exchange it for you!

In a nutshell, the positive language used in all these scenarios will lead to GUARANTEED revenue! There is no doubt at all.

Positive language is one of the hundreds of areas we look into in our “7 Module in-depth and TRANSFORMATIONAL Business Management Training at Spa Professionals Guild.

Enroll today to change your life, this is our promise and commitment to you!

I want to offer you a 50% discount on all 7 modules of this incredible course.
Click the link below to purchase and register for Module 1 using the discount coupon: PTV3RARTM56J

Become OBSESSED with your business and OBSESSED with success!!
Till next week,
Marisa xxx

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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