Spa Professionals Guild

Five Weeks Until Christmas!!!


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It’s 5 week to Christmas and just over 6 weeks till 2022!?

I cannot believe it actually… They say time flies when you are having fun but in our case time flies when we are busy growing and changing lives!!

The festive season is undoubtedly one of the biggest spend-seasons of the year. In fact, it is the season to DOUBLE YOUR REVENUE! Are you prepared for this? Do you have a plan? As you know by now, wishing that business picks up, and praying for customers and revenue, is not going to do the trick. What WILL do the trick is the 4 P’s.  Without the 4 P’s you can work yourself to a standstill but you simply won’t get to where you need, or WANT to be

Let’s chat about these 4 P’s.

The first P is Plan. Planning is everything. Plan every single day of December. Get every staff member to plan their December too, and present these plans to each other. I’m going to share an example of a day by day planner that should actually have more detail and information, but this gives you a good idea of what you should be doing.

The second P being Preparation. Prepare to execute your plan. Your preparation for December should be done and dusted by the time you’re reading this. I however know the reality of life and business, meaning all your planning is most likely not done. That is why I am writing this newsletter today, so you can get started NOW!! (rather late than never) You can still pull it off and make it a huge success. Once your plan is done and you know what you are going to do, well, then sit and make a list of what you need, and start delegating. Get the team involved and get everyone on the same page, shopping, decorating, marketing, sorting outfits, to make this festive season YOUR BIGGEST YET!

The third P is Passion. Passionately execute your plan on a daily basis. Have fun and enjoy every second. If you have fun and passion, well, then the plan is always easier to execute.  Passion is contagious to both your team and your clients. I want to spend a minute longer on this by saying that the passion comes from the TOP.  If the manager is passionate and the owner is passionate, well, then it’s easy to infect the team, and passion is an infection you want to get!!

And then the last P, Persistence. Don’t give up at any point in time. There will be hurdles and speed bumps along the way, keep going no matter what and keep the end goal in mind. Remember that your staff are going to be tired, it’s the end of the year and many people are going on holiday or taking time off and they are working really hard, and possibly even longer hours. The year has been rough, don’t forget that. Be empathetic but also remind them that this is their opportunity to make really goo money. Their time to chill and relax will come, but it’s not now. The energy needs to be at its highest in your salons and spas and everyone needs to be having fun, so start by dressing up and getting your Christmas outfits out. Get the mood completely uplifted and happy to encourage BIG SPENDING!

To encourage you all we are going to have a little fun this December on our Facebook and Instagram page.  Please submit images of you spa or salon dress-up for festive season and include a few words about how it made you all feel to dress up. We will publish your stories and photo’s on our page. Let’s encourage the Industry to GROW TOGETHER with your inspiration. I cannot wait to see your pictures!


Till next time


Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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