Spa Professionals Guild

Book more treatments with this FREE marketing tool!


Book more treatments with this FREE marketing tool!

Watch this video before diving in!

Are you capitalizing on it?

Question:  Are you taking before and after photos of your clients and sending it to them as “proof of result”?
So, before you start throwing excuses at me such as: “my clients don’t allow me to take photos of them” or “I don’t want my therapists to have their phones with them” or whatever other excuses you may have….hear me out for a minute.
Look at these images below and let me know how they make you feel?  Use three or four words to describe what you feel when you see them?

Do words like wowbrilliantawesomeamazing and excellent come to mind???
Now, for a moment, I’d like you to imagine that each of your clients get a before and after photo taken, and sent to them before the end of the day of their appointment with you. What do you believe the outcome would be? That is POWERFUL and a sure way to retain that client for life.

So, no more excuses, just action. Have a look at this quick workshop video with tips on taking effective before and after photos because, YES, there is a way to take photos that look amazing versus the opposite, photos that show no difference at all and have no impact.

You don’t need a photography course and expensive DSLR camera, you simply need a mobile phone with a reasonable camera, a good quality ring light, a few practice runs on putting the images side by side, cropping and zooming in to the correct angle to see the results, and THAT’S IT!!!

Make sure your clients get their images before the close of day when they had their treatment and be sure to send it with a positive comment and wait for the response. It’s going to blow your mind to see how much they appreciate the effort and how they are reminded what a transformation you managed to give them. This will release those feel good hormones.  Don’t be shy to ask for permission to use the images for social media to promote the treatment and help you get more referrals. Remember something, most clients want to help you and grow your business, but if you don’t ask you don’t get.  Some are shy and will not feel comfortable, but most will be willing to allow you to use it (especially if their photo looks great).  So, get the images looking good and use this to grow your business. IT REALLY WORKS!

Any pictures of your own to share?  I would love to see them so please send them over! Simply reply to this email.

Until next week!
Marisa xxx

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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