Spa Professionals Guild



We have reached the SIXTH MISTAKE Managers/Directors make in their spa/salon/aesthetic or wellness businesses.  This time we headed off to Zakynthos Island in Greece to interview  DIMITRA TSANTIDOU, Spa Manager at Armonia Wellness & Spa at  Lesante Cape Resort & Villas.
I know I say this every month but really, there is no price attached to the value we are getting from the conversations we are having with the worlds leading Spa Managers. It saves us time and money so we learn from their mistakes and get it right from the word GO!  Are you enjoying this series we are offering?  If yes, please quickly click on THIS LINK and send us a one liner sharing what you love about “Mistakes Managers Make”.
We are really lucky to have all these golden nuggets of information to guide us through the transformed business world we find ourselves in.
Interestingly Dimitras “mistake” was once again about STAFF.
So, I can say at this point after interviewing 6 leading Global Spa Professionals that STAFF is a common challenge but also very much the lifeline of your business.
I would like to ask you a few questions before you listen to Dimitra’s interview.  Answer the questions to yourself first and then listen to her interview. Then I would like you to write down where you can change as a leader or manager in your businesses.  Sound good?
Here goes:
  • Do you have a checklist in place for hiring new staff?
  • How many times do you interview the candidate?
  • Do you perform trade tests on the candidate?
  • How many reference calls do you make?
  • Do you do any type of personality tests on the candidates?
  • Do you allow others in your team to interview the candidate too?
  • Do you have working interviews? (like 5 days in the space working with the team prior to commitment to hire)
Okay, so now that you’ve answered the questions, Click the video below to listen to the interview with Dimitra as I know this mistake is VERY COMMON as I hear it all the time. 
 When you have listened to the interview, please remember to go back to the 5 questions you answered and decide whether you should be doing things differently or if you are on track and spot on.
Next week, look out for yet another gift from me, an SOP regarding hiring new staff.  Another valuable tool to add to your toolbox.
Speaking of STAFF, we’re excited to announce that we will be adding an HR MODULE to our Transformational Training Course!
This module has everything you need when it comes to hiring new staff, so you get it right the first time but also many more tools to help you with regards to the Human Resources side of the business.
Look at everything we cover in the module:
  • Staff hiring checklist
  • First interview questions, trade test and working interview
  • Reference checks
  • Personality Profile Summary
  • Therapist treatment listing matrix
  • Job Descriptions
  • Induction Plan
  • The importance of 1 on 1 meetings
  • Performance Reviews
  • KPI’s
  • Exit Interviews
We cram a LOT of content and value into this 1 MODULE out of a total of 8 in the course!!  Our Complete Business Management course will save you years and hours of figuring out how to best run your spa and salon business. We include every tool and template you will ever need!

Until next week!
Marisa xxx

Spa Professionals Guild is now Wellness Professionals Club.


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